Tag - weight loss tips

September 29, 2018

Which Veggie Noodles Rule For Weight Loss?

I’ll admit it. Most veggie noodle subs are gross. Okay. Maybe “gross” is a harsh word. But they just aren’t the same. And we keep trying to make them work...

September 8, 2018

NEAT Ways to Wiggle Yourself Thin Outside the Gym

I used to have this sweet but very vexing neighbor. Whether we were out for a jog or watching T.V., this chick just wouldn’t quit wiggling. Seriously. Anytime I was...

September 8, 2018

How Cutting the Cheese Makes You Lose Weight

I’m a pretty faithful plant eater. But, unlike most vegans who lie about missing animal products, I’ll admit it: Sometimes, I legitimately miss cheese. (But clearly not as much as...

September 5, 2018

How Ashwaganda Banishes Fat From Your Body

“Wait. Did I just… spike my own coffee?” Okay, lemme backtrack for some context. After getting over feeling ill for several days, I’d finally pushed myself to go on a...

September 5, 2018

6 Ways To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Social Life (Part 2)

So, we now know three decent ways to circumvent peer pressure popping our diets (and jeans). (A pre-req for having besties shouldn’t be blubber) But what if that’s not enough?...

September 5, 2018

6 Ways To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Social Life (Part 1)

Social lives can be brutal on your diet. (“I’m not faking a smile while eating rabbit food. YOU’RE faking a smile while eating rabbit food.”) I mean, really. Whether it’s...

September 5, 2018

Why Green Tea Beats the Competition for Weight Loss

We know green tea’s good for health and longevity. But no one cares about living forever, do they? We’re just here to get slender and leave behind a fabulous looking...

August 19, 2018

The Weight Loss Antidote To This Triggering Starbucks Infographic

Have you seen it? This cruel infographic, floating around like half melted ice in a chilled matcha latte? Whose grande size, incidentally, is about 220 calories? (So triggering, I feel...

August 16, 2018

How To Down A Gallon of Water Each Day – Without Drowning

Okay, I admit it. We’ve said “drink more water”. Over and over. But that is a bit vague of us, isn’t it? In a world of quick tips at your...

August 12, 2018

Is Cold Water Worse For Weight Loss?

“Drink your water cold ; it’ll burn more calories!” (“How about I just pose with it instead of freeze burning my throat?”) You’ve probably heard this “tip” before with respect...

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