How Ashwaganda Banishes Fat From Your Body

September 5, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

“Wait. Did I just… spike my own coffee?”

Okay, lemme backtrack for some context. After getting over feeling ill for several days, I’d finally pushed myself to go on a nice long run. Ya know – just to clear the sickness out of the system. And, as an attempt to placebo myself into making it seem better than the Rob Zombie level horror show I just knew it was gonna be, I decided to try that one adaptogen everyone’s been raving about: Ashwaganda. Granted, I’d tried it before. But I’d only ever used it as a sleeping aid. So, when I heard about it getting employed as an energy upper and pound crusher, I was perplexed. Like, confused boxer dog meme level perplexed. I mean, how can something do both? How can something that makes me gain sleep also make me lose weight?

Now, I’m not generally big on placebo effect. People’ve tried tricking me to no avail.

So, as I finished my run, I was quite pleasantly surprised.

(Looks like I’m in good company, too.)

As I ended my trek, feeling next level energized and amazing, I indeed pondered the question that started this article: did I just drug myself with over the counter opiated meth powder? I mean, I was just as awake as I was calm. “Limitless” level clarity. And none of the usual stress. But, then, I also recalled this was the same shiz that had me sleeping like a fetus last time I took it. So my bigger question became: why doesn’t everyone know about this and take it? Why aren’t adaptogens in general more popular? Answer’s simple. You can’t advertise something if you don’t own it. And you can’t own the formula for naturally occurring substances like Ashwaganda. That’s why it’s not in your IG feed, juxtaposed perfectly against Betty bikini’s cleavage. But it might make you feel a bit more like Betty looks. (Protip: not even Betty feels like Betty looks. She went on a laxative and enema diet for five days before the shoot for that overly-photo-shopped-anyway snap you see sammiched between your pals’ puppy and supper pics.)

And how’s that?

Well let’s first address that counter-intuitive sorcery – the seemingly paradoxical nature of this herb. It wakes you and makes you sleep. How? Well, think about it in reverse. What’s something that both keeps you up at night and makes you tired in the morning? (And keeps you porky, for that matter…) Stress. And what causes that? Release of the hormone cortisol. By lowering that stress hormone, both issues get resolved. Taken in the morning, this remedy reduces the exhaustion ultimately caused by cortisol (meaning you have more energy), while after hours Ashwaganda allows your normal sleep cycle to ensue (because stress isn’t keeping you awake). Also, the stuff is known to boost immunity. Naturally, if we’re sick, we can’t stay fit. We’re dragging. We don’t wanna workout. We tend to overeat to compensate for the havoc bacteria or viruses cause our bodies. It’s pretty tough to get fit when you feel like (*insert grinning fecal emoji*).

What’s more, the antioxidants in this stuff are said to burn fat as well as enhance thyroid function and, thus, metabolism. In fact, studies have shown a correlation with Ashwaganda extract and T4 (thyroid hormone) production – resulting in significant weight loss. It’s easy to get wrapped up in the stuff being directly marketed on your feed. Meanwhile, what you should feed your body is all natural goodness. (Not just adaptogens but also a clean eating and a mean training routine.) Weight loss is simple. It’s the willingness to do the simple stuff that makes it complicated. And companies love to take advantage of the fantasy we all entertain that there’s a single magical cure. There’s not. But nature’s cures can certainly help us dredge up that willingness. So if, in the midst of your otherwise healthy living, you find yourself stressed yet getting sick of mystery ingredients and pricey products sponsored models are pushing, try a dash of Ashwaganda in lieu…

And lose that weight faster than you can say Ashwaganda.

(Or, ya know, something shorter than four syllables…)

#weight loss adaptogens#weight loss herbs#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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