Is Cold Water Worse For Weight Loss?

August 12, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

“Drink your water cold ; it’ll burn more calories!”

(“How about I just pose with it instead of freeze burning my throat?”)

You’ve probably heard this “tip” before with respect to shedding weight. And, while it’s not the worst article of weight loss advice, the truth is – you’d be better off just chugging the stuff at room temp. Why? Well, while you might burn an extra four calories with the chillier liquid, that’s pretty much negligible compared to so many other calorie blasting activities you could be doing. Also, when you drink water cold, you tend to have less of it. (It’s not comfy enough going down to up your intake of it.) Take the heat a few degrees up, though, and suddenly an extra cup’ve the stuff seems significantly less daunting a task to undertake. And, when it comes to water and weight loss, more is better – for several reasons.

First, it fills you up so you don’t overeat. A nice half liter of the stuff stuffs me just enough pre-dinner so that I don’t overdo my food. I know how to throw in the towel when I’m full. I can’t accomplish this quite as well with a cold bottle’ve Dasani. As mentioned above, I won’t drink enough to fill me up if it’s leaving a layer of frost on my esophagus. But, also, when I gobble arctic water, I get cold. (As in my whole body.) And when I get cold, I actually want to eat more. Like, a hundred times more than that four calories the low temp beverage allegedly just burned. Then, when it’s time to burn that all off at the gym tomorrow, we wanna be well hydrated. Having been able to get a good amount in your system means you’ll be able to have a quality workout. That’s why you wanna keep tepid temped aqueous replenisher around. You’ll be able to consume more pre and mid workout alike. The result? You can take up the intensity on your sweat sesh, and last long enough to burn more that you would in your dehydrated state.

And, finally, what happens after you eat and move around? Well… stuff starts moving along in your basement’s belly. There’s nada worse than following a boss level diet only to be bloated from gastric guests overstaying their welcome. And insufficient agua causes that. It lets excretory remnants keep clinging to the edges like skydivers reluctant to jump from a plane. But water in larger amounts boots all on board out the booty exit, giving you that light and flat belly we all want – which is far more manageable if you stick with room temp water that lets you put away a greater aqueous quantity. Granted, some’ve you may be able to manage all that, even with a frigid bottle of agua. (My sensitive over bleached-in-highschool teeth and pansy of a swallow pipe cannot.) If you can manage, that’s awesome. Do you. But if you’re only torturing yourself with gelid temps because of the skinny myth, just know it’s not worth the throat murder that is ingesting liquid ice several times a day.

So, whether it’s warm or wintry in temp, just drink the stuff.

And plenty of it.

#weight loss advice#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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