Tag - weight loss tips

January 16, 2018

The “hot” and easy weight loss trick you probably haven’t tried

I’ll admit it. A lot of what I write are topics you’ve probably read before. (Although, in a far more comedic and unique manner. Obvi.) But today, I’ve got one...

January 14, 2018

Can you lose weight with E.F.T.?

“A minute on the lips, forever on the hips.” This regrettably accurate phrase haunts us in the midst of all our awful cravings. And, now that the holidays are gone,...

January 4, 2018

How quickly should you change to a new diet?

Here’s a dumb one I heard today: “Change your diet slowly. You don’t lift 250 lbs on your first day at the gym. So why would you do that with...

January 3, 2018

You’ve reached your new year weight loss goal… Now what?

Okay, weight loss resolution-ers. Sure, it’s a bit early, but let’s be ready for this in advance: At some point, we reach that coveted number on the scale. And we...

January 2, 2018

How to calculate your “afterburn” for more weight loss

Gone are the days of FitBit and other boring health trackers. Meanwhile, the big thing fitness nuts want their gym gadgets to tell them is their VO2 max. And, while...

January 2, 2018

How to stay stank free after your weight loss workout

“Lord, that chick reeks…” This was the judgmental thought meandering through my mind as I stood in line at Dick’s a month or so ago. Then I realized it. That...

December 29, 2017

In a Christmas coma? Try this yoga flow to get back on track

At last, the holidays are almost over. For some that’s depressing. For others, a cleansing change is welcome. We’re ready for more yoga posing and less sofa posing. (Ready to...

December 28, 2017

We should all be taking annoying gym selfies, says science

“Oh, great. Another gym selfie from Tina and Tim.” (“Do they make an emoji where the eyes are all white? Cuz that’s how hard I’m rolling mine ATM”) Okay. I’ll...

December 27, 2017

Make your boring indoor weight loss workout fun this winter

Oh, the dreaded winter funk. Long gone are my lush trail runs. And the plants painting the perimeter with exquisite emerald. And the late rays of a golden hour sun,...

December 27, 2017

Why my workouts are making my hair fall off

An odd thought occurred to me the other day. After my first year of going vegan, I suddenly had prettier, longer hair. (Well… as pretty as you can get when...

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