The “hot” and easy weight loss trick you probably haven’t tried

January 16, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

I’ll admit it.

A lot of what I write are topics you’ve probably read before.

(Although, in a far more comedic and unique manner. Obvi.)

But today, I’ve got one for you that you probably haven’t heard before. It’s a simple one I’ve subconsciously developed over the years. And it wasn’t until yesterday, when the P.F. Chang’s waitress brought my food out lukewarm (forcing me to endure silent incensement, lest my dinner mate make a beeline for the door to flee my unbridled fury) that I had to ask myself the question: Why do I detest it when my food isn’t on fire? Why can’t I eat anything cold? Cool? Not scalding?

The answer came moments later when I’d cleaned my plate with my face, Disney Beast style.

I couldn’t figure it out before, but now it was clear:

Hot food was my brain’s innate way of keeping my physique “on fleek”.

Ever heard that spicy foods make you slender? Something about raising your core temp and making you burn more calories? Well, the thing is, when you eat hot (temperature wise, I mean) food, something even better happens. A plethora of things, actually. And all of them contribute to you booting that big booty (the jiggly bit you won’t miss at least) and losing a few pounds. After some introspection (and Googling), I figured out why.

The first reason? Warm food’s comforting.

When I have a warm meal, I feel satiated. Satisfied. Good to go. There’s no need to reach for something additional to make my brain feel better – like I do after a plate filled with wilted foliage and pathetic vegetables, all huddled together against the tyrannical chill of their emerald prison. (I hate most salads.) Plus, the rise in temperature makes the meal more aromatic – like a nice tea – so I’m enjoying the experience. It’s that whole “mindfulness” thing they try to teach people who stress snack and eat too fast. The more you’re stopping to smell the roses (or roasted potatoes), the longer you’re taking to eat it – which means you get more time for your body to actually digest it.

But even if your nose is no match for your jaw’s juggernaut capacity to suck down food, that lava like temp will def put your tongue in check. Seriously. If I suck down my soup too fast, I’mma have blisters on my licker. And I know what you’re thinking. It might sound masochistic, but having to pause to blow on my food every bite, forces me to take my time. (Unlike when my server arrives with icicles hanging off my plate of Asian Fusion food.) Experts tell you all the time to “eat slower” in order to lose weight. And it sounds like great advice in theory – until you’re spending the negative five minutes you’ve got between class and work, wishing you could intravenously ingest your nutrition. Or when you return home at night, ravenous anew, and basically unlock your jaw to accommodate an entire pie of Papa John’s, box and all, before your brain’s even hip to what’s happening. It’s easy to get worked up around food. Especially if you’ve already got an unhealthy relache with munching. But if it’s steaming, I’m keeping my cool. I have to. And you will too, probably. That is, if you like keeping third degree burns off your taste buds. And if I’m eating slower – as covered above – it gives my belly a second to register that it’s not empty anymore, before I can make for the fridge and dish up fifth servings.

(Your biggest problem’s gonna be deciding what to do with that extra time you usually spend getting heftier.)

Then, finally, there’s a physical facet.

Actually, it’s similar to what you’ve probably heard about the spicy stuff, too. See, the whole reason they say spicy stuff works (as mentioned earlier) is that it can potentially raise your body’s temp which helps rev your metabolism. And it makes sense, when you think about it. Anytime your temp goes up, what happens? Sure, your blood circulates better, helping you detox faster. (A plus, for sure.) But also, anytime your core temp heads out’ve the ordinary, your body’s working harder to halt it from reaching any extremes. And that means you’re probably burning at least a little bit more than you would suffering through a horrible bowl of tepid vegetables like my recent P.F. Chang’s nightmare.

So slash that masochistic salad, if you like!

And get a hot body by heating that meal up, love.

#weight loss foods#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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