Why You Should Be Basic – With Your Weight Loss Methods

August 3, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Looking for a new and exciting way to lose weight?

There’re plenty of exciting exercise methods to try out on this site.

From pilates and barre to paddleboarding, the caloric torching options are innumerable. (I know, ’cause I’ve written articles on most of ’em.) And now I’m telling you to take all those tips… and ditch them. (Well, kinda.) For those already well on their way to their poundage goals, seeing the results they want, and craving innovative ways to keep going – carry on. Innovate away. Rather, who I’m talking to are those of you who’ve had a bit of trouble even hitting the ignition switch on weight loss. For you lot, it’s gonna be all about getting back to basics. Keeping it simple. Finding fun in the fundamentals. Booting the boot camps and boutique classes and letting the minimalistic approach inspire you.

And why am I being such a Betty buzzkill?

Well, for five reasons.

1. A habit’s addictive

If you haven’t already noticed, it’s hard to start a new habit. Add onto that the pressure of having to make a certain class every day and time and you just won’t do it. But, something simple (note I said simple – not easy) like waking up an hour early to walk or jog the neighborhood costs nada but some neglect of your siren of a snooze button. It’s tough to instill initially. But, once you give yourself a week or three, it becomes innate. It becomes part of you. You just do it on autopilot.

2. Identity

This piggybacks on the previous point. Once a habit’s stamped in, it’s not only easier to maintain (meaning waking up early won’t seem like such a chore), but it’s also harder to erase. You don’t want to stop. It’s like it’s in your DNA. They say identity – how we see ourselves – is one of the strongest driving forces within us. So, if you identify as a person who wakes up early to do your no-frills workout (because that’s what you’ve been doing for the last week, month, or year), then you’re a lot less likely to just let that go.

3. No creativity required

As mentioned above, novel forms of exercise are awesome. But, when we’re talking about setting a foundation for weight loss, we wanna keep it simple. It’s tough enough getting out there and moving when that feeling might be quite foreign in the first place. If you hafta keep coming up with new things to do, you’re less likely to either start or maintain them.

4. It’s cheap

The yes-and to not creating daily cardio adventures for yourself is that your wallet won’t get lighter along with you. Classes cost money. And, short of finding something you “shut up and take my money” style fall in love with (like me with MMA), you’re not likely to stick with it. That said, if you hate your boring routine, do two things. First, keep doing it anyway. And second, browse around for that new way of weight dropping you can fall in love with. You won’t be sorry you put in the work, however much you hate it. Plus, it’ll help get you fit for whatever brand of activity is waiting for you to find it.

5. No stipulations

The nice thing about still having your biking or running or Tracy Method vids is that your fitness isn’t contingent on something or someone else. What if the gym shuts down? What if the teacher stops that class? What if funds get tight and you’ve gotta quit? This doesn’t mean the end of your efforts toward weight loss. You don’t rely on anyone else. You’ve got a back up and still have your basic way of maintaining or continuing to lose weight while you seek something new and supplemental out for yourself.

In the end, this isn’t to say you should have a boring exercise regimen you hate and never try anything new. Quite the contrary. Rather, think of your new M.O. as a Christmas tree. First you’ve gotta put it in your living room and steady it on the stand. Much like any new routine you’re resistant to, it’s an arse pain and you’ve gotta move a lot of furniture (your other habits that usually take up work out time) around. That’s the hardest part. But, then, once it’s erected (once the habit’s stamped in), you see how lovely it is. It’s not going anywhere. So, now, you can dress it up with lights and tinsel (trendy exercise classes). Because, even if they fall off when your Lhasa Apso’s tail (canceled classes or inclement weather) gets caught in the activity branches, that beautiful tree’s still there.

(Just don’t, ya know, let it go the way most resolutions usually do after the new year…)

So, if you’re still conducting the struggle choo choo, get rooted in a basic routine.

And disregard the frivolous stuff.

(For now.)

#weight loss activities#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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