Which is best for weight loss – eating carbs at day or night?

December 15, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Ever heard that you shouldn’t eat carbs in the evening?

And… have you also heard the argument that that’s total B.S.?

Yeah, so have I…. So which is true?

Well, according to the pros… both are. Kinda. See, when it comes to stuff like sweet potatoes or brown rice (the “good” carbs that don’t wreak havoc on your body), we needn’t time our dining quite so specifically. Complex carbs don’t have a curfew, suggest the experts. The only thing you’ve gotta budget when it comes to those (which you should also do for anything, really), is your overall caloric expenditure versus intake – and the balancing of macros. Or, in other words, how many carbs of any kind you’ve had – versus proteins or healthy fats.

That said, if you wanna time them for your best weight loss efforts (and of course you do, otherwise you wouldn’t be on this site – right?), then there is a helpful tip. And that’s this: have your yams and such prior to or right after a workout. If you use ‘em to pre-game before hitting the gym, they serve as excellent fuel. (Admittedly, rice sets my leg ablaze and has me doing three a days.) And, if you eat ‘em after a nice, so-intense-I-went-home-in-a-wheelbarrow workout (or just any high intensity workout, really), then you’re still winning. Long after HIIT, your BMR is still going HAM. (That’s fitness-anese for “your metabolism’ll burn that shiz for hours and hours after high intensity interval training.) Which is great because – who wants to eat straight after training, when there’s still steam coming off your body? And that means that if you’re not hungry ‘til later on tonight, then no worries.

(You can still enjoy a whole alien sized mountain – at no expense to your cardio credit card bill.)

As, ever, though… there’s a catch.

We mentioned above that “complex” carbs are okay. However, we may wanna save your starchier carbs for earlier during the day. Why? Because, unlike complex carbs, these things’ll spike our blood sugar, making sleep evade us. And, without our beauty rest, stress levels’ll spike, sound decision making will plummet, and we’re more likely gain weight from those inevitable poor snack choices and cortisol rises alike tomorrow.

Other than that, we’re good to go.

So, keep calm and nocturnally nosh that pasta, boss bish.

#carbohydrates#carbs#weight loss diet#weight loss tips

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