Tag - carbohydrates

December 15, 2017

Which is best for weight loss – eating carbs at day or night?

Ever heard that you shouldn’t eat carbs in the evening? And… have you also heard the argument that that’s total B.S.? Yeah, so have I…. So which is true? Well,...

June 6, 2017

Have your carbs, eat ’em too, AND meet your weight loss goals

Carbs catch a lot of harassment when it comes to weight loss. (Spoiler alert: you totally can, Cam.) Whether we’re talking the Atkins diet from nineteen ninety whatever or the...

November 27, 2016

Can you carb cycle your way to weight loss?

“Carb cycling.” Maybe you’ve heard this term before. But what exactly is it? (Is this it? ’cause that’s totally what I’m thinking…) Unfortunately, it’s not. (Although that does look insanely...