Can pot prevent a pot belly?

December 18, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Weed’s not for me.

The extent of my mind altering substances come from Starbucks or the holistic aisle of Wegman’s.

That said, the stuff is legal now. (In some spots, at least.) So, I can’t understand why people get a digital stoning for talking about getting stoned. Here’s the truth. I’ve found a workaround that allows me to avoid drugs of any kind. That said, I have seen some forms of the green goodie do wonders for others who haven’t. (Yes, even on a fitness level.) Now, I’m not talking about daily use of it, doping yourself up before you hop in the car, or blazing before work. Not in the least. Rather, I mean keeping it totally legal, doing it the right way, asking your doctor about appropriate dosages, and finding the right form for you. But, because of the stigma, so many can’t handle it. They can’t accept it. The same people who say they balance their sauvignon blanc hobby with jogging or Orange Theory classes think it has no place in a fit lifestyle. But you wanna know what? Despite the myth that you’ll turn into a corpulent couch cover overnight, when moderated (which you should do with any regulated mind altering substance – like alcohol, for instance) research has even shown that pot can prevent a pot belly.

Wait… weed helping out with weight loss?

That’s correct. For example, one 2013 study observed significantly lower obesity rates for cannabis users in general. And what’s that mean? That regardless of their age or sex, users tend to be less obese. Not confirmation enough? Alright. Then, how about an additional study, which noted lower fasting insulin levels in marijuana users. How much lower? A sweet 16%. So put that in your pipe and smoke it.

But it really doesn’t take any research at all to see how this stuff could help us shed weight.

First is the obvious thing: when we’re stressed out, we produce cortisol – a primary cause of visceral fat. As cannabis is notoriously used to abate anxiety, it could easily combat fat on that level. Second, when we’re in a less stressed state, you know what else happens? We’re more willing to make good fitness decisions for ourselves – whether that means going to a yoga class or simply stopping the stress snacking. Third, on a very physical level, some forms of pot are even used to manage pain. And, when pain’s managed, people tend to want to get up and move around more – which is crucial to losing weight. Then, fourth is the fact that cannibas can serve as an alternative to fattier calm-down options most folks use. What do people usually do to unwind? Drink. They drink calorie crammed cocktails (or any’ve their equally chub inducing cousins). Now that they’ve got a less plump-ifying substitute, those calories aren’t around anymore.

Thus, they weigh less.

(THCV is the type that reportedly aids in weight loss by suppressing hunger)

Now, this is the part where I deliver some damage control to everyone waiting to launch their shade grenades.

I.Am.Not.Championing.Drugs.As.A.Fitness.Tool. Not by a longshot. What I am saying, however, is that it’s not any better or worse than the other self calming tools any number of us use between our workouts, healthy eating, and general living. Like it or not, that classy glass of wine’s giving your liver a run for its money just as bad as the puff stuff’s effing up your lungs. And both can render unfriendly effects on our minds. So let’s not pretend one’s better than the other. As for me? Like I stated above, I’m strictly addicted to holistics. I have no personal attachment to the green stuff. (Unless we’re talking about matcha tea. Because you can bet I’ll rob Mom’s organic grocer for the last can of that emerald goodness…) But I do get that most’ve us moderate the vices used to improve our quality of living. Should any mind altering vice with the potential to harm our bodies be employed more than occasionally? Nope. Not if you’re after a healthy path. But we’re adults. We know that. And, so long as we’re living in a state where our guilty pleasure is legal, that’s for us, individually, to decide. We understand that moderation is key. So, when I see the firewater fans with their fancy cabernet filled goblets and “prescribed” benzos berating bud?

I’d say that’s the kettle calling the…. pot black.

*Puts on sunglasses*

#unconventional weight loss#weight loss research#weight loss studies

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