What happens if I never take a rest day?

January 13, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

So, somewhere along your weight loss path, you got addicted.

Addicted to being active.

Don’t worry. You’re not alone, my friend. In fact, I haven’t taken a rest day in, well, years. Every day, I’m doing something active. Even if it’s just a 20 minute run in the morning, I’ve gotta log some jogging, running, or cardio of some sort – lest I come unhinged. Is it an addiction? Mayhaps. But, knowing that I’m not alone, I thought that maybe I might do the difficult thing – and write an article about all the harm I’m possibly doing to my body. Who knows. Since I’m doing a “do something new every day” challenge, maybe I’ll entertain the idea of possibly-even-though-probably-not having a rest day.

Why? Why now?

Because, after reading an article on all the harm I’m doing to myself, I can’t deny that some of the ramifications sound sort’ve scary. When you refuse to rest, your glycogen stores get worn out. Seeing as that’s your energy source, it means you fatigue when your next exercise sesh comes around. Then, cortisol is said to increase – meaning sickness is more likely to befall you. Also, your ol’ ticker organ goes into overdrive. And, also also, you lose muscle mass because recovery can’t happen. Now, as I was reading this, zero of that resonated with me. I’m fit as a fiddle. But you know what did? The bit about how you feel crappy ’cause of inflammation, swelling, and tenderness. By midday, I’m usually feeling great. But every morning, I rise feeling like I spent my non-conscious hours being a pinata at Neegan’s (fist bump for anyone getting that TWD reference) birthday party. Then, the next thing – about emotional instability – hit me too. What if those periods of depression are due to overdoing it? Sure, hitting the trail makes my mood better, twelve times outta ten. But, much like any other addiction, is the drop I get long after – worth the high of not moderating?

(Still undecided on this one…)

As I read all this, I was bummed to know I could (reluctantly) confirm I’m suffering some of this stuff.

But, immediately, my addict mind chimed in with the following thought: once a week, I do only one workout (versus, like, my usual two to four). That means I get 24 hours until my next workout – of rest. 24 hours is a day. Boom. Rest day, right? So, that’s enough? Eh… Unfortunately for me, my twisted logic can’t save my cortisol levels or glycogen stores. (Can’t blame a girl for trying, right?) But if I unravel that logic and ask myself why I’ve got such a visceral tug toward daily aerobics, it all boils down to physical and internal unrest – whenever I attempt rest. The solution? Instead’ve sitting completely still, the experts suggest you spend part’ve your sweat free day taking walks, yoga posing, meditating, or even doing something creative that takes your attention away from any tension you feel.

Or, in my case, fashioning a straitjacket and procuring a padded room…

#cardio#exercise#health tips#rest day

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