Weight loss for loners

April 12, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Are you a loner?

Yeah, I totally get that.

Up until a couple years ago, my lifestyle was mostly lonely. (Well, maybe “lonely” isn’t quite the right word – ’cause it wasn’t so bad.) I mean, psychologically and spiritually I dug it. Running trails solo was awesome and it kept me slim and in touch with my environment. But, if I’m being honest, my fitness didn’t truly graduate til I got a squad to sweat with on the regular.

For me, that was a local MMA gym.

(Would def recommend)

It started for easily relatable reasons. (Weight maintenance, self defense, wanting something to punch that wouldn’t land me in handcuffs…) But what I ultimately got was so much more. See, when we join a group of folks to get fit with consistently, it benefits us on several levels. First example? Novel concepts. You learn new things when you get outside’ve yourself. I find this in every kinda class, actually. Whether it’s yoga or muay thai, there’s always something new I learn when I’m around other health minded people that I can take back to my personal practice back at home. It might be a new move that really works those weak glutes. It might be a new pose that opens those stubborn hips. Or, it might just be a revision on my former form I didn’t realize I was doing horribly wrong all along. (Because, duh, no one was there to point it out.) All of this aids in taking us to the next level.

The second reason’s inspiration. Looking at Instagram snaps of highly Photoshopped chicks from your sofa is nice and all, but there’s a twofold problem with that. If you’re giving her a gander right before you hit the treadmill, fine. You win. But how many’ve us do that? Versus, ya know, lurking from under a pair of fuzz covered sweats while Netflix inquires sadly in the background if we’d like to keep watching the show that’s been playing for the past five years? (*Raises honey mustard covered fingers in shame*) The first problem with this is that you’re not prepped to get motivated from this state; you’re not in “go mode” like you are when you’re already moving (which means you’re more likely to just get depressed instead about not resembling them, rather than motivated to move). And because of that, it doesn’t always feel attainable.

(Plot twist: they’re looking at pictures of eachother on IG, each wishing they were the other one….)

But you know what does make greatness feel attainable?

Watching your belt winning instructor do a new move right in front’ve you IRL. Especially right after he’s just taught you how to do a spinning back elbow that made you feel like Conor McGregor versus a bus full’ve fighters. Too soon? You don’t associate with the likes of Conor anymore? Well, that’s fine. Plus, it brings us to point three. it’s one you may’ve heard of before (probably ’cause it’s true): you are who you hang out with. Are you still hanging out with your own bad thoughts that’re telling you to snack, skip the gym, and binge another season of “Santa Clarita Diet”? Then don’t expect anything other than that to happen. Upgrade to a perspiration minded posse, however, and you can expect some stellar influences helping to change you for the better. Since joining the dojo I’m at, I’ve befriended plenty of them on Facebook. And I can honestly say that seeing my cohort’s posts about fitness milestones and dietary improvements influenced me to do the same.

And, in case you’ve got trouble thinking outside the box, no: it doesn’t hafta be a dojo. (Duh.) But the upside of it all is this: if you’re a loner because superficial, tedious conversation makes you weary (but lack of human contact makes you feel lonely), a sweat squad’s perfect. Because you get to interact with other members of your species without any’ve the awkwardness that comes with baking up a batch of conversation cookies no one wants to eat. You’re all there for one goal – do your workout, have a laugh here and there, and go home feeling elated.

So, go join a zumba class. Or a soccer league. Or a dodgepall posse.

(Yes, it’s clear these are all former “loners” like us…)

And as they knock you down, you’ll knock off the pounds.

So, who’s your trim tribe gonna be?

#weight loss#weight loss activities#weight loss exercises#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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