Tag - weight loss

June 8, 2017

Some awesome side effects of your weight loss journey

Why do you work out? Many’ve us do it for weight loss (or maintainenance), sure. But, once we’ve been on track for a while and we’ve got that hot body...

June 7, 2017

The chick who didn’t need gimmicks to nix half her body weight

Hey, you. Yeah, you, gorgeous. There’s nada wrong with what you’ve got going on there, shawty. But, if you wanna trim a li’l bit’ve excess flesh for the sake of...

April 14, 2017

Don’t drink? Try a Friday night fitness pregame to keep connected with your pals

So, you started a health ‘n fitness path. You’ve started clean eating. You run on the regular. You’ve even fired the firewater from your life. But – your buddies? Not...

April 11, 2017

Take the “sad” out of salad by mixing it up

Salad. Even the word sounds like penalty issued for a heinous crime. “I’ll just…. have a salad.” The phrase itself sounds like the last words you’d hear before a hanging....

April 11, 2017

Is the 21 Day Fix the right answer for weight loss?

Ever wish you could nix a fistful of chubby inches in under a month? Sure, it’s totally possible. And, if you hear the phrase “diet and exercise” one more time...

April 11, 2017

How much weight can I lose in a single workout?

If you’re living where I am, you didn’t get much of a segue from winter into summer weather. It’s like we skipped spring and went straight for skimpy wardrobe season....

April 11, 2017

The non-numerical weight loss scale you should be using

“131 pounds.” When I entered the doctor’s office the other day, this’s what the scale said. “I blame you. That iron vitamin you make me take is weighing me down…”...

April 11, 2017

Why setting an intention for each workout makes you lose weight.

“Now, close your eyes… and set your intention for the day.” Whenever a yoga class is kicking off, my instructor will usually ask this of us. “I intend: to refrain...

April 11, 2017

What is body positivity, really?

Body confidence is such a touchy topic. Women catch a lot’ve flack on Instagram for flashing their extra flesh. But why? Why’s it a big deal if someone dubs bikini...

March 28, 2017

Can these beats help you beat the weight loss game?

We’ve heard how music can help us lose weight. “Let the bodies hit the floor… Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOR…” The high BPM’s get your heart rate racing. It...

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