Tag - weight loss advice

May 17, 2018

Why we shouldn’t focus on the airplane fat shamer

So there’s this story going around. In it, a pleasantly plump young passenger on an airplane looks at her seatmate’s phone. And, in so doing, she sees what a lot...

May 16, 2018

Blaze your own way to weight loss instead’ve envying others (part 2)

Okay, so we know (from part one) how to use our weight loss role models properly. But how do we stick with it? How do we keep doing this every...

May 16, 2018

Blaze your own way to weight loss instead’ve envying others (part 1)

Who’s your favorite weight loss role model? Maybe it’s some slender celeb. Maybe it’s a Youtube personality. Maybe it’s the blonde bombshell next door who wakes up at 4 A.M....

May 10, 2018

Is technology wrecking your weight loss goals?

You’re super proud of yourself, aren’t you? Really, why wouldn’t you be? After all, you deferred dessert. You stowed the snacks. You hacked that bad habit. And now, instead’ve binging...

December 21, 2017

Why you don’t lose as much weight as your dude does (part 2)

We’ve mentioned how getting honest with ourselves and resetting our metabolisms lead to weight loss. But what if going totally vegan isn’t for you? No worries. Just adding more flora...

December 21, 2017

Why you don’t lose as much weight as your dude does (part 1)

“It’s not fair! Bae and I eat the same, but he’s the only one losing weight!” I keep hearing it over and over from the women I know – and...

August 19, 2017

Does self hatred have a place in your weight loss journey?

“Love yourself more”. It’s admittedly a wisdom filled bit of advice you’ll hear from many. Including me. In fact, I literally just wrote an article on this. Indeed, the path...

October 6, 2016

Could this simple, single tip jumpstart your weight loss?

Stuck in the mindset that you’ll feel better when you’re slender? That that’s when you’ll suddenly reside inside a rom-com montage, that loops infinitely like a Vine? That that’s when...

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