Blaze your own way to weight loss instead’ve envying others (part 2)

May 16, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Okay, so we know (from part one) how to use our weight loss role models properly.

But how do we stick with it? How do we keep doing this every day – until the results our ours?

Well, repetition is key. But it isn’t always so easy…


The problem: So what happens is – we realize that problem we just described in number one. We recognize that we’re watching for too long. And that’s a great start. But what do we do? We throw out the weight loss baby with the immoderate bathwater. We say “all or nada” to ourselves like some strict parent. Because we think we can’t moderate, we cut ourselves off altogether from watching the kinda stuff that’s been ultimately making us feel badly about ourselves. (Albeit only ’cause we’re overdoing it.) We associate the content itself – or even the humans who create it – with despair and hopelessness, when it’s we who merely need to tweak how we watch. The result? We lose touch with the blueprints that were teaching us how to build the houses (AKA hot bodies) we wanna live in. And, in so doing, we forget about implanting the habits they have – that could help get what they’ve got.

(See? First it’s firing your health role models. Next, it’s firing up the puffable death expediters.)

The fix: The truth is, we don’t hafta have all or nothing. People aren’t drugs. Although you don’t wanna spend hours ogling your human manifestation of “hashtag: goals”, you do wanna consistently keep in touch with what they’ve got to offer. Why? Because it’s a nice reminder of what you too can have if you stay the course. Habits are difficult to implement. And they’re even harder to modify when the carrot’s not even dangling in your mind. We need that “oh yeah – now I remember” moment. We need that imagery of lean physiques and happy, healthy bodies to shake that milkshake out’ve our hands. Something that drives the end game into our minds. So, whether it’s fifteen minutes of watching meal prep by that healthy yoga chick with the sick body, or a health Q & A with the dude who makes curating a lawn full of produce look super simple, is up to you. Just dip into their world quickly. Just make it long enough to get inspired. But do it daily so you don’t forget what it is you want, long term. The next level fix to this? Set an alarm when you sit down to watch. And set its label to say: “Don’t just see it; go be it!” when it goes off. It’s campy; I know. But your subconscious doesn’t have an eye-roll function. It just assimilates the message. So, if you get stuck in some obsessive spiral, that message and alarm’ll jar you right out’ve it.


The problem: Doubt is a summabish. And you can bet this gargoyle’s gonna be waiting for you, all along your journey. Perched on the counter as you step on the scale. Reflected in the mirror as you try on new clothes. It’s gonna tell you “why bother”? It’s gonna say you might as well blow up this whole new path you’re paving because you cheated on your diet or skipped the gym once this week already. It’s going to say, “It’ll take forever”. “It’s too hard”. “You’ll never be her or him”. It thrives off’ve sabotage. This demon feeds off you feeding on all the wrong things in life.

The fix: Surprisingly, the fix is not to ignore it. The fix is to talk to it like a small, ignorant child. As for being like your idols? No, you’re not gonna be just like them. Who’d want to? Instead, you’re just drawing off them, like some hybrid tree about to grow its own, new beautiful brand of fruit. As for taking too long? There is no time but right now. And right now, you’re choosing to chew the right things and sweat steadily. As for “why bother?” Well, all those good choices will add up in the future to subtracting pounds. But right now? Right now, you already are that person you’re aiming to be.

Because you’re making the same choices that he or she would.

(TFW you’re your own inspo ’cause you did all the right things)

So which path do you wanna take?

Shamefully comparing your totally changeable lifestyle to someone showing you the way?

Or grasping that fitspirational flare they’re holding out for you…

…and blazing your own path to greatness that someone else, one day, is going to want to follow?

#weight loss advice#weight loss inspiration#weight loss role models#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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