Plant Based Princess: Can Meghan Markle’s Diet Help You Lose Weight?

June 23, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Finally, I have an answer for you regarding the royal couple.

Remember the post about how Prince Harry’s bae made him healthy?

(Which totes should’ve been called “When Harry Met Salad” btw)

Of course, you do. But, while it was an article on how you’re only as healthy as the company you keep, we never really delved into Meghan’s actual snack habits, did we? (Lazy writing? Or opportunity to draw you back with another awesome article?) What is it she was putting on her plate after pilates each evening? Well, finally I have the answer for you. And while it may come as a surprise to some, it doesn’t to me. At all. That’s ’cause, Markle gets her sparkle from a mostly plant based diet. That’s right. She’s a weegan (not actually not a real thing… I think… yet… #copyright); in other words she’s vegan all week and eats like a wildebeest on the weekends with her hubby, if she likes.

And I get it. As a vegan myself, I know I’m not supposed to say that. It’s illegal. And I’m sure I’m gonna lose my veggie card by condoning two day flesh and cheese feasts. But as a weight loss author willing to look at the whole, unbiased snapshot, I get it. I mean, it’s better than munching on McD’s for five days straight and then wondering why your rump won’t fit in your throne. (Plus, even if we are talking animal compassion, we’d rather welcome the semi-gans to the club than turn ’em off altogether, ensuring they’ll start a strictly carnivorous diet out’ve spite…right?) And the results don’t lie. Eating a vegan diet for more days than not has made for a Disney level princess with glistening skin and smiling eyes.

(TLDR; if you become mostly vegan, a prince will marry you, and you’ll live happily ever after.)

Seriously, though, the quote Meghan says drives it all home in the best way. When prompted about her diet, her lean physique, and flawless body, she responds: “I don’t just take care of myself for aesthetic reasons but because how I feel is dictated by what I’m eating, how much rest I’m getting, and how much water I’m drinking.” And that’s the secret, low calorie sauce. That’s how you get so much more than a crown. This chick was destined to win at life with that kinda mindset, no matter what. Winning a ginger Prince Charming was just a nice side effect that came of it. And, as mentioned in the previous article, he was so wowed by what a boss she was, that he adopted a heap of her self-care habits as well.

So, there’s our answer about the royal couple.

Now, if only they could answer the other ancient question.

The one with which we paired plebeians are plagued when Friday night finally arrives:

#fitness tips#meghan markle diet#meghan markle weight loss#weight loss diet#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips

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