How Meghan Markle Made Harry Healthy

March 25, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

You gotta admit it.

While your first instinct may’ve been to throw shade Meghan Markle’s way…

She’s done a royal job of transforming Harry for the better. Just look at that smile:

In fact, according to his closest pals, the dude is indeed smiling a lot more – and happier overall.

But, as the kids say, “WHY THO”? Just ’cause he’s nabbed an awesome hottie like Meghan?

Maybe. But it’s more likely the lovely lifestyle of Meghan’s that warrants applause here. She does yoga, pilates, and ingests healthy stuff – all of which gives her a zest for life. (An absolutely magnetic quality that draws folks to you like moths to a flame.) We all know that when we take care of number one, it makes us radiate awesomery. But, what’s more, it’s contagious. When you’re around someone that ebullient, it boils over to you too. You smile. You laugh. You see things differently. And if you haven’t had that kinda life up until that point, ultimately, you change. Exactly that happened with Harry. He saw what homegirl had going on and said, “I want some of what she’s got.” (Inwardly, probably. Paraphrased, definitely.) Now he does pilates and yoga (dramatic mood improvers), does the green drink thing (not the ideal diet, but a great segue towards one), and his pals report him seeming far happier than he ever has in his life.

So, right about now, you might be asking: “So what?”

Of course. Yes. This has a point beyond celebrity gossip. (Doesn’t it always with me?) In fact, you may already know the takeaway: we are who we’re around. We’ve touched before on how one half of a couple can drag the other down. That’s true, for sure. But so is the opposite thing. If you’re committed to creating a healthful life for yourself, there’s a good chance your partner’ll probably follow suit. The problem is, as ever, fear. Most of us are afraid that the difference in lifestyle behaviors will induce an intimacy schism. That it might start with one night where they’re eating pizza and you’re having a salad. But then it’ll somehow inevitably domino topple into them leaving you because your shining example makes them feel badly about themselves. But, ya know what? I’m here to tell you that’s not gonna happen. (So long as you don’t transmogrify into some self-centered ego ogre after your newfound weight loss – or shame them for failing to follow suit.) In fact, don’t even try to change them. Just do you, boo. Just be the beaming light that is the symptom of fitness, and they’ll grow their own health ‘n wellness wings on their own so they can flutter on over to you.

Just like the remarkable sorcery Markle performed on Harry.

(“You’re a wizard, Meghan…”)

#diet#meghan markle#pilates#prince harry#relationships#yoga

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