Tag - yoga

March 25, 2018

How Meghan Markle Made Harry Healthy

You gotta admit it. While your first instinct may’ve been to throw shade Meghan Markle’s way… She’s done a royal job of transforming Harry for the better. Just look at...

June 6, 2017

Fast or slow, yoga’s the way to weight loss

With all those sloth speed transitions, yoga posin’ doesn’t seem like an ideal weight loss tool. (“Seriously? How’s this burning more calories than sofa surfing while gorging “Parks ‘n Rec”?”)...

January 24, 2017

Ale and asana? Why not?

Ever take a cheat day and feel guilty about doing nada? Like, you’re just sitting there, guzzling grog and feasting on fried food – as shame washes over you? Well,...

January 9, 2017

Kundalini: How Russell Brand’s brand of yoga can make you lose weight

“Kundalini yoga can supercharge your weight loss…” Sounds like a snake oil sales pitch, right? “Myeah… here’s the part where I roll out my mat – and up my eyes....

January 5, 2017

Should I do yoga before or after my run?

Running is a great way to lose weight. (No money to give up. No gym lines to wait in. No machines to fall off or faceplant into…) But, unfortunately, it’s...

December 19, 2016

6 substitutes for the overcrowded gym this January

So, you said you were planning to hit the gym the second the second of January arrives. But, admit it. You’re already doubting your own best laid plans. Why? Because...

December 13, 2016

Don’t listen to anyone who says yoga won’t aid with weight loss

It’s always disappointing to hear horrible weight loss advice. Like, for instance, the misconception that “yoga won’t help you lose weight.” Yes, my loves. This is an actual statement I...

November 15, 2016

Can SUP yoga make your fat float away?

So, if yoga’s shown to promote weight loss… And if stand up paddle boarding’s shown to promote weight loss… What would happen if we… combined the two? (“My mind would...

June 10, 2016

Why does Vinyasa yoga burn the most calories?

A few years ago, a friend of mine saw my 600 calorie blasting stats from a workout on the elliptical. And – since I was complaining about my hatred of...

May 11, 2016

Transcendent vanity: why do I post yoga poses?

Yep. That’s me. Vegan. And a meditator. And you know what else I like? Yoga. Oh… let the quips commence. No, seriously. Because, in addition to that list, you can...

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