4 ways to strengthen your strengthening program for weight loss

April 17, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

We all want the most out of our strength training routines.

And, if you’re a fitness lover like myself, you like to think that you’re doing all aspects of fitness well. Which is why, when I read recently how I’ve been “doing it wrong” in a few regards with my strengthening program, I cried (on the inside, like a winner) a bit. However, unlike my perfect squat form, it didn’t get me super down. Instead, I opted to swallow my pride (along with the suggestions I was getting) and turn my derp-ery into an educational (and entertainment, via laughing at me) opportunity. One where I could ‘xplain to all of you what I’ve been stupidly doing, so that you don’t follow in my poorly trodden footsteps, only to slip and fall in the process (and end up on a gym fails montage). So, here they go:


Usually, I finish my runs feeling strong.

But, sometimes I know I’m not gonna wanna do my strengthening after my cardio.

(Me, for three days after eating processed food.)

My irrational fix? Intermittent jog pauses on the trail to fit everything in, incrementally. I pause at the benches to do split squats. I pause at the fallen log to do tricep dips. I lunge through the stretch of flat, boring land. And, while this isn’t a terrible idea (in fact, some pros have even suggested it), there is a drawback to it if you’re going for maximum weight loss, caloric burn, or overall benefits for your strengthening program. In fact, if you make special reservations for strengthening time, it can have its own aerobic reward. By “supersetting” strength moves (which is just doing exercises one after another, minus any breather breaks and plus lots’ve high intensity), you get your blood pumper’s rate up, maximize muscle effort, and blast more calories in an even shorter period than your Forrest Gump length run did. The takeaway? Set special time aside for strengthening and superset that shiz to up your definition and down the pounds

Secondly comes my novelty addiction. I love variety. But, while it’s the spice of life, too much of it’s the salty death of strengthening, say the sweat experts. Don’t get it wrong, though. In moderation, variety’s awesome. It’s just that experts admonish against an excess of it because it never gives us a chance to analyze where we land on the progress scale. (Or subsequently level up.) Contrarily, by sticking with at least two seshes that’re consistently the same every week, we can progress-measure and then go Supersaiyan on the next level of reps, weights, or overall challenge on that particular move.

Third? Third’s my need to invite my yoga skills into muscle pumping hour.

I’ll admit it.

Even though I love the results, I opposite of love slinging around dumbbells.

(“Um, I think these’re broken. The ‘dislike’ button seems to be missing on both of them…”)

So, what’s been my counterproductive method to resolve this? Why, standing in tree pose while overhead tricep curling, of course. It seemed logical, to me. “Why not multitask?” I rhetorically inquired, inwardly, instead’ve actually pursuing the true answer, which is this: because it takes away from the muscle you’re trying to work, duh. When you’re unsteady, you can’t add enough resistance or weight (or whatever you’re working with) to legit max out the muscle you’re trying to work. You’re just getting a little bit of each thing (balance and strengthening), which means A.) neither ever reach their full potential and B.) your weight loss, definition, and other health goals remain eternally out’ve reach.

And, finally, you wanna know the fourth thing you shouldn’t do that I did?

Beat yourself up if you’ve secretly also been doing this stuff. Admittedly, when I read that I’d been doing my body brawn-ifying kinda wrong, my heart sank a little. But, then I realized, I’m alright. It’s not like I always do this. Plus, my weight is good. My muscle definition is good. And, ya know what? Yours probably is too. We’re okay, you ‘n I. It’s just that – if we were to tweak these things – we could be doing even better. We could be getting epic instead’ve simply “good”. And who doesn’t want that?

So, if your weight loss and definition endeavors are missing something, don’t give up.

Strengthen your strengthening program instead – with these changes!

#strengthening#weight loss activities#weight loss hacks#weight loss programs

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