Why Immunity Boosting Is Crucial For Weight Loss

November 4, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Indeed, it’s that time again.

As summer swaps to autumn, ’tis the season to be sneezin’.

(“That escalated quickly…”)

And it’s around this time that our weight loss goals go out the window, hit the ground below, sustain a C7 spinal cord injury, and drag themselves back through front door with just enough function to remind us we’ve failed. And why? Why do we fail? Well, there’s a lot going on around this time. Changing seasons stir something in us. Change is tough for some of us to begin with. But with nightfall coming earlier and earlier, it can also put us in a bit of a downer mood, too. This isn’t great for the immune system. What also isn’t good for it is the leftover candy we ravage after Halloween. Or how we let that lead to self sabotage with more poor health choices instead’ve staging a comeback before the dead bird and crucifix holidays. Before we know it, we get sick, fall off the workout wagon, keep eating badly, and give up on wellness altogether. But prevention’s the best medicine of all. So, let’s axe that fat plant at the roots before it has a chance to uproot our weight loss goals, shall we? Let’s talk about setting a home security system for our immunity before fall makes our scale numbers rise. The top matters to address are gonna be fresh air, food, fluids, movement, and more mattress time.

I never though about it, but when I keep the windows shut with the heat up, I’m jut circulating stale air. Stale air filled with dust and germs and probably bug parts. Not great for staving off sickness. So, bundle up and pop open a window when you’re home to keep the fresh stuff coming and ridding your system of dirty air. As for food, diets that’re namely plant based have proven to be optimal for health. (I’m on a PBD and I rarely get sick.) But, regardless of what your food intake comprises, it’s wise to make it whole, balanced, and to get most of your vitamins from your plate versus a pill. The less refined sugar it has and the less processed and salty it is, the better. All that stuff tends to inflame your system, which isn’t the best for immune protection. Then, of course, you’ll wanna keep the agua coming all day long, as well.

Dehydration definitely puts you in the red.

(Actual photo of me on any day I ingest less than a gallon of water…)

Then, after being well nourished and hydrated, you can take on the other part of staying slender and healthy with ease: exercise. Not only does it aid in weight loss, but with the endorphins it raises, it’s also a tried ‘n true immunity booster. Then, after a pushing your system to a healthy new limit and ingesting healthy food all day, it’s a lot easier to fulfill the final immune boosting tip on here: sleep. This sweet relief from consciousness is when our brains take a break and our bodies go on autopilot to do damage control on the calamities we’ve accrued all day. So def don’t cut your slumber time short if you wanna wake up well enough to stay the course toward a cough-free autumn in an awesome body.

And, if you need any tips on how to mute your monkey mind at night for shut eye time, get your fix right here.

#seasonal weight loss#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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