Why a “sweat bucket list” is the best way to find your weight loss workout

August 17, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Having trouble getting motivated for weight loss?

Searching and searching for a worthy workout – but haven’t found your “thing” yet?

(Protip: it’s an active search – you hafta actually, physically *try* the stuff before dismissing it…)

I hear ya, girl. When I was searching for new ‘n exciting ways to stay in shape (other than my trail running addiction), I flipped through oodles of options in the un-roly-poly-yourself rolodex. There were spin classes. There was pole dancing. There was that thing that mixed ballet with pilates. You name it, I tried it. (Or I’m still willing to…) And, even though only a handful of them actually stuck, I wouldn’t have traded that search for a gains groom to lock down into sweaty wedded bliss. Not for nuffin’ – ’cause that journey itself was just as fun as its ongoing destination.

But, beyond that – it worked.

I found a few things I adored, and kept with ‘em thereafter. Which is why, if you too are suffering from a severe case of activity apathy, it might be time to start what I’ve come to lovingly dub a “sweat bucket list”. And it’s exactly what you’d think it is. All you do, is sit down, hit the internet for new ‘n exciting types of workouts (or even just tried ‘n true old school ones you yourself haven’t yet tried), and make a list. Put the ones that sound alluring on there. Maybe even put the ones that don’t. (Because ya neva know; you might surprise yourself and actually enjoy tennis, even though it’s snore level boring for you to watch).

And you know what? Some of them don’t even need to be new activities. Already have a workout – but you’re kinda bored with it? Set a bucket list level up goal for it. How many thai kicks can you do in a minute? Try to increase it by five within the next week. How many reps (or how much weight) can you squat before exhaustion? Try to up it by ten or more before the month’s end. Then, after your list is done, run through ‘em one by one. Set some time aside, and try out each item, until you have the exercise equivalent of a meet-cute and encounter the workout of your dreams.

So, why’s this work?

Well, the thing is – goal setting in itself is motivating. By having a finish line to look toward, you’re looking forward, instead’ve for excuses. (Or on how bored or beleaguered you are by having to exercise at all.) If wallowing in indecision and hesitation is all you’re used to, then that’s where you’ll tend to stay. By redirecting your focus toward some hopeful new options, however, you can play consciousness archery and aim all your focus arrows at a healthy, brand new bulls eye instead.

(Protip 2: focus doesn’t hafta look all angsty. I’m a gleeful geek all the way through my run. Even when I’m beating my time.)

Plus, by devising a list, you’re increasing your probability of coming across something you enjoy. It’s Statistics 101. Whether that list’s got ten or eleventy-hundred options on it – you still have a massively better chance of actually happening across at least one activity that’s worthwhile – than you do by sharing memes from your sofa about how you “thought I said extra pies, not exercise”. We get it. You hate exercise. But you know what? You only hate the exercise you’ve done thus far. Do you know how many other forms’ve it exist? The right one for you’s still out there. That way, when (not if) you find it, you’ll have an equally fabulous chance of sticking with it – making your weight loss both sustainable and enjoyable.

And what if you don’t find it straight away? What if the whole list turns into series of fails?

Well, that’s when ya plop down and scrawl out a brand new list. The thing about round two, however, is that I can guarantee you’ll feel a bit more inspired to try the new things. Why? Because, if paired with a clean diet, your sweaty efforts endeavoring the stuff on list one will have already won you some notable weight loss by now. That’s just a fact. If you go from a futon tater or desk jockey to suddenly hitting up jazzercise or krav maga class every other night for a weeks, you’re gonna lean out a little. (Again, so long as you’re not ingesting a shizzy diet.) And when you do, that’ll serve as affirmation gas for your workout motivation motor – and keep ya fueled all the way to whatever exercise destination you desire most.

So fill up that body movin’ bucket, darlin.

And watch how, as it gets lighter, you will too.

#activities#weight loss activities#weight loss exercises#workout

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