Tag - workout

August 17, 2017

Why a “sweat bucket list” is the best way to find your weight loss workout

Having trouble getting motivated for weight loss? Searching and searching for a worthy workout – but haven’t found your “thing” yet? (Protip: it’s an active search – you hafta actually,...

February 4, 2017

Walk this way to weight loss (Part 1)

It sounds simple. If you take 10,000 steps every day, you’ll lose about a pound every week. (“We’re so skinny ’cause we’ve been walking non-stop since these velour suits were...

November 14, 2016

Why something “small” like walking is great for weight loss

So you just got back from a brisk jaunt with your shih-tzu this morning. You never exercise at all. But you’re trying to turn over a new, rouge shaded leaf...

June 21, 2016

Erase those aches so you can train again tomorrow

It’s pretty tough to lose weight if you’re out of fitness commission. And if there’s anything that can ruin sweat-sesh number next, it’s next level DOMS. Sure, you depart training...

March 14, 2016

Vino as cardio inspo? Wine not?

So, this cute video popped up in my feed today. It’s pretty much just half a minute of this chick who’s working out and improv-ing with bottles of her favorite...

February 15, 2016

Throwback fitspo: Jessica Simpson’s Daisy Duke body

Ugh… another snow day. I’m well aware that these bouts of wintry incarceration make snacking seem like a fun recreation. And, just in time, I’m here to help with a...

December 1, 2014

You get runner’s knee cuz your rump’s weak.

“Got runner’s knee? You’re probably not working your butt enough…” It’s amazing. Since age ten have I been “running” (jogging, really) as a hobby. And I’d always assumed that when...

November 16, 2014

Two-a-days: coping through cardio

“You’re working out twice a day?” When I get this question, it’s generally accompanied by the same shade-throw look people get when they see their token fat friend for the...

March 22, 2013

Gwen-spiration: The Gwen Stefani Routine

GWENABBE To answer to your recent song, yes, Gwen. Yes, you are still looking hot. At 43. Show of hands… wouldn’t want to look like Gwen Stefani? In my dorky...

February 27, 2013

Miracles, Motherf*cker

Stupid two-thousand-and-whatever-year it was that “skinny fat” became a known term. Up until that bullshit moment, people were nice and ignorant to the difference between these two things: Um, actually,...