Tag - weight loss hacks

September 5, 2018

6 Ways To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Social Life (Part 2)

So, we now know three decent ways to circumvent peer pressure popping our diets (and jeans). (A pre-req for having besties shouldn’t be blubber) But what if that’s not enough?...

September 5, 2018

6 Ways To Lose Weight Without Losing Your Social Life (Part 1)

Social lives can be brutal on your diet. (“I’m not faking a smile while eating rabbit food. YOU’RE faking a smile while eating rabbit food.”) I mean, really. Whether it’s...

August 19, 2018

The Weight Loss Antidote To This Triggering Starbucks Infographic

Have you seen it? This cruel infographic, floating around like half melted ice in a chilled matcha latte? Whose grande size, incidentally, is about 220 calories? (So triggering, I feel...

August 12, 2018

Is Cold Water Worse For Weight Loss?

“Drink your water cold ; it’ll burn more calories!” (“How about I just pose with it instead of freeze burning my throat?”) You’ve probably heard this “tip” before with respect...

August 11, 2018

Do Gym Junkies Need More Minerals and Vitamins?

A thought occurred to me the other day. When we work out, we burn calories and fat. When we work out a lot, we burn even more. We need to...

August 9, 2018

Does A Late Workout Make Weight Loss Less Possible?

“You burn more fat working out in the morning.” I read this bit of fish hook bait yesterday and thought… Really? I mean, don’t get me wrong. I love my...

August 9, 2018

How Belly Bugs Make For Weight Loss

For a few weeks there, I was doing really well. Really. I was on my weight maintenance A game. My cravings were controlled. Recreational food reducing was on fleek. I...

August 8, 2018

6 Ways Your Weight Loss Goals Get Gobbled By Hunger (Part 2)

So we’ve already established at least three reasons you’re so hungry on your new diet. (Click here to read) But if you’ve already tweaked them, three reasons remain that may...

August 6, 2018

The Seeds We Should Be Eating But Aren’t

What’s summer without watermelon? Actually, TBH, I haven’t had a single bite of the stuff this season. It just seemed like a good intro line for an article. That said,...

August 6, 2018

Is Nightly Wine Why Your Weight Loss Goals Won’t Happen?

A glass of Cabernet can be a heavenly thing. A gift from the fermented grape gods. A nice reminder that not all of life is traffic fumes, bank lines, or...

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