Reprogramming versus resolutions for New Year fitness

December 22, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

Have you made a New Year’s resolution?

Well… the good news it that that intention’s fantastic. Wanting to change is first step. But the bad news? That you might not yet be prepped for what comes after that – the second step: being willing to do the things you need to in order to realize that change. The issue is – that many of us never even map that part out. We fall so in love with what’s at the top of our ladder, we don’t bother to build any of the rungs that get us there. So how do you do that? How do you reach some foreign territory you’ve never entered before?

By doing something you’ve never done before.

And how do you do that?

(“By typing #goals after it on my list?
Which includes dressing less like a contortionist game from the 60’s?”)

No, ma’am.

Rather, you do it by playing another game. One where you change your mind. Reprogram it.

That’s why, instead of making vague resolutions for 2017, we might all be better off if we start now – from the inside out. Why? Because when you reset your mentality first, it makes acting out those habitual, physical changes easier. When it gets tattooed in, giving up seems like less of an option. But you must start now with the inside stuff – that’s if you want the habits to start coming more naturally by the time January 1st hits. That, and you’ve gotta download a brain program that actually works.

And what do I mean by that? Brain game-changers, my friend. Mantras, affirmation, and even self hypnosis can be beautiful ways to download the kinda mindset that get you to those goals. For example, you know that moment when you wake up in the morning? And the excuses are already on deck? When they get replaced with your new backstory – that you’re already a fit person, and that slipping into your sweat gear’s just what you do, you’re more likely to Nike style “just do it”. Similarly, when you affirm to yourself that scones or cupcakes just aren’t part of your diet – that “want” doesn’t get a vote – you get one step closer to a lower weight.

The trick, though?

You have to actually believe it – whatever the new tale is you’re inking into your identity. A lot’ve times I’ll hear advice like, “Tell yourself, ‘I am beautiful. I love my body.’…” And, while that’s not awful advice (obviously), it could be improved. If you’re going to use simplistic language devoid of passion like that, you’d better legitimately believe it. That’s the most important part. So, if you don’t, then change the language. That’s why an improved, personalized mantra or affirmation might be better. Something more suited to your lexicon or personality. Maybe go from “I am strong” to “I am a BADAZZ MF”, or from “I am beautiful” to “I have an amazing body. People would kill for it. But I worked for it.”

(Not a wordsmith? Try latching onto a visual where winning’s the end game of your efforts.)

’cause, in the end, much like you can’t bullshiz your body about how many calories that lava cake actually had – you also can’t bullshiz yourself with your own words. Something fake won’t take in the game of goal getting. So, this year (and do I mean this year, as in starting RN), mine a mantra out of yourself and mean it. It takes anywhere from a month to half a year to ingratiate a new routine. I tend to think that latter figure’s a result of those who’ve tried going through the motions alone – minus any of the mind changing. So, start the downloading now, my loves.

That way, when the new year hits, all you have to do is make the program run.

And ascend yet another rung on your weight descent ladder.

#fitness habits#fitness hacks#new year#resolutions#weight loss

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