Reward yourself into losing weight

December 20, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

There are a lot of little hacks I employ to remain motivated on my fitness path.

Not keeping junk food in the house. Junking up my house with reminder workout items. Eating off’ve smaller plates to make my food look huge and filling. But you wanna know one of the biggies that’s helped me get small? Rewards. No, I’m not talking about that meme of the giant dude tucking into a massive hamburger with the caption that reads, “TREAT YOSELF”.

(Yes, that’s the one. The one to avoid.)

That’s actually a great way to cancel out that long run or HIIT sesh you just slaved so diligently to complete. No, ma’ams and sirs. But I’m also not saying that your rewards can’t ever be food based. See, what I mean, is that having something to look forward to as you keep on your fitness path, can help keep you on that path at all – keep you motivated. If you feel like you’re just doing the work, but nothing fun’s coming of it, then what’s the point? After all, we don’t always have some wedding dress goal or a guy we wanna impress. And, let’s face it, some days “doing it for ourselves” is too abstract a concept.

Sure, the reward mentality can be something to the tune of “if I work out every day this week I’ll buy myself a new pair running shoes”. (Which I literally did two days ago.) Or maybe, “If I lose two more pounds, I’ll treat myself to a couple new wardrobe items”. These are all fantastic long term rewards. But, then again, for some of us – we need motivation to move where the reward comes a little sooner. For me, for example, I need a dangling carrot to even wake up some mornings and do so much as a sun salutation on my mat. So I tell myself I can have that amazing, delicious, fruit filled, healthy breakfast – right after I finished my yoga sequence. And, after my run? Then, I can treat myself to a second cup of caffeine (which actually kind of fuels the rest of my day’s activity). And then after my strength training in the evening, I can have the delish dinner I’ve been anticipating all day – infused with savory spices and herbs.

(This’s kinda generic advice – it’s only true if your food-treats aren’t healthy – and excessive)

People tend to warp what “rewards” mean. And, don’t get me wrong, those long term trophies are great. But, in a way, weaving rewards into your daily routine is less about conjuring up some expensive daily door prize for your efforts, so much as turning everyday things into rewards that you can enjoy after you work on building the habits you have to have to lose weight. The trick? Actually turning those things into something enjoyable. If I knew that all I could have was a measly salad with a smattering of wilted leaves and pathetic tomatoes… I’d do nada. I’d eat terribly and exercise rarely. If that’s all I had to look forward to, there’d be no point. And, even if that landed me a hot body, I’d be too cranky to enjoy the fruits of my labors. My brain would feel cheated. Instead, what I’ve learned to do is morph my rewards into all the things I’d normally do anyway – meals, wardrobe acquisitions, and even caffeine – but make them more alluring, so when I earn ’em, they’re twice as worthwhile.

And the ultimate plus?

We tend to enjoy our spoils of war far more after we’ve battled to earn them.

#diet#diet hacks#health hacks#rewards#weight loss

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