Tag - fitness hacks

April 18, 2017

Why you should compare yourself to others on your weight loss journey

You know what I was most anxious about before my first trail race? Other runners. See, whenever I was enjoying a tranquil trail jog and another human came into view,...

December 22, 2016

Reprogramming versus resolutions for New Year fitness

Have you made a New Year’s resolution? Well… the good news it that that intention’s fantastic. Wanting to change is first step. But the bad news? That you might not...

November 13, 2016

Why this revamp of the KonMari Method is better for weight loss

Ditching skinny slacks you’re trying to fit back into may not be your best bet for weight loss. But you know what is? Chucking the stuff that reinforces a poor...

June 23, 2016

Why you should totally record your training sessions

It happens about halfway through my workout, usually. My shoulders begin to bow. My core clocks out of its cardio duties. And, before I know it, I’m just shuffling my...