December 16, 2016

Holiday weight loss: don’t eat like an elephant at your white elephant exchange

Dinner with friends. Family gatherings filled with goo covered brunch foods. The office holiday party. The holiday months mean tons of meeting up with loved (or even not-so-loved) ones to...

December 15, 2016

Intermittent fasting: put down the fork (for a few more hours than usual)

Alright, so I was entirely skeptical when I read this. But let’s entertain the idea for a moment, shall we? Let’s ask ourselves… Could fasting be a healthy option for...

December 15, 2016

Why you should lift weights later in the day

Weight training’s great. It makes us strong. It blasts fat. It even programs massive confidence into our noggins. But, when we’re meant to do cardio on the regular, too, when...

December 14, 2016

Stay on top of weight loss on “the pill”

So, you started the pill. (AKA birth control.) And, while it was meant to avert any “OMG I’m late” worries every thirty days, now there are new issues. ’cause, now,...

December 13, 2016

Don’t listen to anyone who says yoga won’t aid with weight loss

It’s always disappointing to hear horrible weight loss advice. Like, for instance, the misconception that “yoga won’t help you lose weight.” Yes, my loves. This is an actual statement I...

December 12, 2016

The truth about weight loss is kinda sexy…

People say that the truth about weight loss is boring. They say “it isn’t anything sexy.” I totally disagree. Because, according to some great advice I just heard – it’s...

December 11, 2016

All I want for Christmas is fitness… and these delicious crepes.

For Christmas, my mom’s planning a massive brunch at our childhood home. I can just see it now. Waffles. Pancakes. Bacon. Waffle-pancake chimeras wrapped in bacon. And drenched in sugary...

December 10, 2016

How to prevent period weight gain like a boss

Sure, it only comes once a month. And it only lasts a week. But, if we’re being honest, are the symptoms of our periods ever legitimately just a week? Are...

December 10, 2016

The starch sorcery that helps you lose weight

Anyone else turn to carbs for comfort in the winter months? Even though we’re told to keep a handle on our starchy hankerings if we don’t want love handles? (No...

December 9, 2016

Should I buy fresh veggies? Or is the frozen stuff good enough?

I make soup every night. And every night I dump in frozen veggies. (Mostly ’cause fresh stuff is more expensive.) But I’ve long wondered: should I be getting my stuff...

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