Holiday weight loss: don’t eat like an elephant at your white elephant exchange

December 16, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

Dinner with friends.

Family gatherings filled with goo covered brunch foods.

The office holiday party.

The holiday months mean tons of meeting up with loved (or even not-so-loved) ones to share what’s important in life. Good food and expensive gifts. And, while that’s half in jest, the truth of the matter is that many’ve us come out the other side of the holiday season a tad heftier than expected. These weeks can do a real number on the scale number and hinder our weight loss goals. Why? Well, for those of us on a fit path, it typically starts with those parties and miscellaneous events, brimming with delicious this ‘n thats. We can have been doing uh-mazing all through November. But, then… boom. A platter of peanut butter somethings at the office shindig ultimately becomes our dietary kryptonite. And, suddenly, we’re on the sugary downward spiral every day thereafter that week.

Alright, so it’s these social affairs that are the catalyst.

But what’s the fix?

We can’t just hide under that fantastic blanket Grandma’s knit us for Christmas, can we? No. Firstly because Christmas hasn’t happened yet (and you’re meant to pretend you haven’t opened gifts from out-of-state relatives early). And, secondly, we can’t do that because it’s rude and makes us look bad. So, how can we not look (or feel) bad fitness-wise while also feeling good about putting in our mingling time with our various connections? Easy. Much like anything else, you plan ahead. You treat these soirees with tables and menus and kitchens full of gastronomical sirens like the bloody war fight it’s gonna be. And you gear up ahead’ve time.

And how’s that?

You might be surprised to learn that to lose weight (or maintain it), you hafta add food to your battle plan.

Wait… what?

“I love eating! Eating’s my favorite!”

That’s right. Ever starve all day because you’re planning to enjoy a massive meal? (See: Thanksgiving AKA that thing that happened not a month ago.) While the most glaring example is turkey day, actually a lot’ve us do this many other days as well. I’m guilty of it anytime I’m planning on meeting a friend for P.F. Chang’s after work. The way I reason it is: “Why add more calories when I know I’mma want guac, salad, and all the sides?” So I skip lunch or my healthy snacks. But, the pros say this’s an excellent way to get good ‘n fat – whether it’s dining with a friend in town for Santa day, or doing waffle-bacon-crepe filled brunches on gift-mas eve with the fam. See, half the problem is that – when you go in hungry – you eat all the things. And quickly. And a lot of it. But, the experts say, that by feeding (on the right things) ahead’ve time, you can stand to budget your yummies better (and, in my case, actual money – by not ordering so much). So, how do we do that, specifically?

Well, first you gotta start with sunup: a good, well-rounded breakfast. (Actually, this should happen everyday – not just special event ones). A fit breakfast full’ve carbs, protein, and a bit’ve healthy fats is optimal for setting your blood sugar right and keeping you full for a long while.

Next? Another everyday-tip: drink lots’ve agua all day long. Ever hear that hunger sometimes is a miscommunication from your belly to your brain? And that half the time, you’re really just thirsty AF? Well, whoever said that’s not necessarily wrong. Days I don’t chug a half liter of water prior to dining, I do some serious damage to my diet. And days any of us are under-hydrated in general, we tend to overeat.

Then, for another ingestion preparation: have a snack. Again, much like breakfast, something that’s high in fiber and protein (think beans or unsalted trail mix) will keep your hunger hormones regulated and energy up so that you’re not entering the gathering, already staking out the snack table.

Then, finally, there’s the sweat-age. If you can, try to get in a workout ahead of time. How many times are you super hungry right after a good workout? Not often, am I right? By hitting the gym (or pavement – or trail – or dojo…) before your buddies and you meet up, you’ll not only feel refreshed enough to socialize and have a good time, but you won’t be quite so ravenous and ready to decimate five plates full’ve food.

So, there you go. Tips that serve as the tip of your Spartan sword during this holiday fitness battle. And if you happen to fall off your warrior horse? It’s NBD, my friend. You’ve been stricken by the enemy – but you survived to tell the tale. Thus, you chock it up to a “cheat day”, ride onto the combat arena anew tomorrow – ready to slay temptation, and know your foe won’t land a blow again.

Well… until your lovey’s office party next week, at least.

#diet#fitness tips#holiday food#holiday weight loss#weight loss

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