April 11, 2017

How much weight can I lose in a single workout?

If you’re living where I am, you didn’t get much of a segue from winter into summer weather. It’s like we skipped spring and went straight for skimpy wardrobe season....

April 11, 2017

You can lose weight by… gaining it?

So, you’ve been working out for a while now. And it’s legitimately been paying off. (Or… at least it was… for a while.) But, suddenly, it seems like you can’t...

April 11, 2017

The non-numerical weight loss scale you should be using

“131 pounds.” When I entered the doctor’s office the other day, this’s what the scale said. “I blame you. That iron vitamin you make me take is weighing me down…”...

April 11, 2017

Why setting an intention for each workout makes you lose weight.

“Now, close your eyes… and set your intention for the day.” Whenever a yoga class is kicking off, my instructor will usually ask this of us. “I intend: to refrain...

April 11, 2017

What is body positivity, really?

Body confidence is such a touchy topic. Women catch a lot’ve flack on Instagram for flashing their extra flesh. But why? Why’s it a big deal if someone dubs bikini...

April 10, 2017

How to enjoy smoothies sans supersizing your pants

“You know that’s nothing but sugar, right?” The comment from the dude side-eyeing my smoothie was kinda rude, yes. (“Leave me alone! This is good for me!”) But… it was...

April 9, 2017

Why science says high protein diets are poor weight loss plans

As a plant-eater, I get heaps of inquiries about protein. And it always makes me think back to my mostly-meat eating days. (Turkey burgers were an all day, every day...

April 9, 2017

Try these nine snacks to smash calories

So, I came across this nifty infographic earlier: And, I couldn’t help but concur. Nearly all’ve these nine delightful little kitchen additions has meant subtracting pounds from my scale. But...

April 1, 2017

How cooking shows are making you fat

“Today, we’re making delicious CHOUP!” Yes, there are many non-fans of Rachel Ray and her baby talk. However, whether you love her or not-so-love her, there might be a bigger...

March 30, 2017

Lose weight with the sinless deliciousness of cinnamon

Winter weight gain got you combing the diet aisle? Welcome to the club. But, science says we might wanna move it a few aisles over toward the spices. Because, believe...

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