Make This One Small Change For Big Weight Loss

July 31, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

No dairy. No meat.

No sriracha flavored potato chips or the sodium infused dip that pairs so beautifully with them.

What can you eat on this blasted meal plan?

When you’re trying to comply with the ideal diet that’s sure to lose you weight, it’s tough. No one said it would be easy. They only said it’d be worth it. But “worth it” is so hard to even conceive of when you’ve never tasted the results. (Yet you have tasted the satiation of a plate of très leche cake after a long day.) It would be one thing if it were one simple rule. But when you’ve got multiple commandment tablets about mouth sins you can’t commit (lest the scale smiteth you in three day’s time), it’s remarkably harder. It’s tantamount to scaling a mountain made of rules that don’t come naturally, with repelling gear built of weak willpower, when you don’t even know if gold or an ogre awaits you at the top.

And, while I promise it is indeed gold, the rest of the struggle is understandable. You already don’t want to be making this trip. Yet, you’ve gotta pull out the map every five seconds to remind yourself of the detailed directions that are too numerous to memorize yet. “Does that have dairy in it? Is bread allowed? Is gluten a problem? Is butter a carb?” The list is exhausting.

So, maybe it’s time to backtrack.

Scale out. Think globally. Instead of issuing ourselves all of these rules, just try one on for size. Focus on that for a couple weeks, and then move onto a new thing to eliminate. Maybe you focus on deleting dairy for a fortnight til that’s easily manageable. Maybe the next two weeks is about getting rid’ve red meat. Or all meat. Or candy. For example, I just heard a really great one from a bride to be. Prior to her wedding, she tried a dietary elimination the was simple enough to blanket many bases without requiring too much thought: just eliminate all processed food. Kinda attacks all the bad stuff, doesn’t it? From the pus and antibiotic filled zit inducing milks to the Frankensteinian tubes they call hot dogs, this girl had all her bases covered by going back to basics.

The result?

(I rather fancy it as a Tarzan dress anyway)

And the cool thing (which you’ll find out as soon as you initiate a few healthy moves in your diet too), was the cascade effect it had on her health. As soon as she’d put that one, far reaching stipulation in place, she naturally headed toward other healthy decisions. Less sugar. Less excess. More water. More working out. Everything healthy that felt uncommon for her before now seemed like the natural things to do. So, instead of trying to grapple your way up a habit mountain made of intricate rules and restrictions, start small. Just cut something you know’s a problem. (The bride’s idea about processed stuff is a stellar place to start). And when you see the results, you’ll feel light and strong enough that you’ll actively want to scale that badboy.

All the way to the top.

#weight loss diet#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips

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