How Cold Showers Make You Lose Weight

July 3, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

So, my a/c suicided on me yesterday.

In the middle of magma level Virginia weather, no less.

(The pixelated image is a *totally* intentional reference to old school Nintendo graphics…)

So, when I read this fitness article on how cold showers can aid you on your weight loss path, my attention was grabbed by the nads immediately. I mean, I couldn’t even sleep last night. I tried ice packs, plug in fans, sleeping sans a sheet leaving me vulnerable to the demon dwelling beneath my bed… But a cold shower hadn’t occurred to me. What a great way to take down my flesh temp. And the notion that it’d also knock down pounds? That only made the idea more alluring. Unfortunately, as I skimmed the info, I came to realize that it might actually not be the best remedy for rest. (And I do mean “might” – for some, it’s proven soporific; but for others it can potentially wake you up.) Either way, the habit still proves stellar for wellness and weight loss, according those who’ve done it.


Well, first off is that point we just mentioned. That shock of gelid wetness you’re immersed in jet fuels your central nervous system. After any kind’ve shower, I feel somewhat refreshed energetically. But after an icy stream beams down on me, I’m the lovechild of Tony Robbins and that Slap Chop guy. And that means plenty of energy to work out, take that flight of stairs at work, and thai kick my coworker in the jugular for trying to make me touch that delicious looking peanut butter fudge she just brought in a literal ton of. Plus, you know how hungry you aren’t after you’ve had your morning caffeine (provided that it’s not filled with system ruining sugar levels)? This yields a similar result. So much so that your usual, mid morning venture to the vending machine seems less appealing – meaning fewer calories tallied by the day’s end.

Then, there’s the workout recovery factor. You know how celebs and athletes and athlete-celebs all get in those ice cube tubs or cryo tanks after that gym visit with their trainer who’s got a trillion dollar price tag? The idea’s that ice baths help with post workout muscle recovery. A cold shower might not be an ideal match compared to marinating in ice. But the chilly drizzle does make for a nice runner up after running, weights, or walking up a flight of stairs with your one-trip-or-die-trying amount of food loot from Whole Foods. And well refreshed flesh means a longer, more quality workout next time.

Then, finally, there’s the self validation factor. While the energizing factor helps give you physical inspiration to move more and eat less, there’s also a psychological aspect to it. Ever do something new or scary and survive? Like jump off a small cliff into a body of water? Or out of a plane? Or even just get something heavy off your chest to a friend? There’s something about fear, discomfort, and overcoming both in the name of progress that’s validating AF. Example? In winter, I go running in the snow up this big hill on a trail near my home. It’s a long run. And it’s usually in the teens (kinda like the exact opposite of right now). But, by the end, I feel untouchable. Godlike. And do gods make self disrespecting decisions like ordering a cream cheese croissant for second-breakfast after conquering a snowy mountain? No. And you can yield similar effects from the (dis)comfort of your own home via power shower.

(And if it feels *too* unpleasant, start warm and toggle the nozzle’s hotness level to cold slowly)

In sum, according to the many testimonials I’ve read, a cold morning shower’s a great way to motivate movement, recover exercise wrecked muscles, and inspire lifestyle choices that don’t counter the countdown you’d like to see on your scale. And while standing under a frosty waterfall may not be the best way to clock my noggin out on a hot night (just gonna hafta call the A/C guy – after I slather this anti under eye bag cream on), I’m not sorry I came across the article I did.

Hey, who knows. Maybe my oven of an apartment is the “universe’s” way of trying to chill me thin…

#weight loss advice#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips

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