Why you should lift and spin (or swim… or run) in the same day.

October 14, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

I love running.

I’ve also (very, very, very gradually) begun to appreciate the joy of weight and strength training.

(Once you associate the activity with the results, you hate it a lot less.)

And, while it’s great that I’ve fallen in love with strength training, one mistake I have been making for some time was separating which days I do what. Legs or arms one day. Running or cycling or the elliptical another. I mean, technically, it’s not a mistake. I’m fit. I’ve got great endurance. But when you write for a fitness site, you can’t help but get intrigued on perpetual self-betterment. I’m always wondering what I can do better. (And then, obviously, sharing exactly that here with you.) So, what can I be doing better? Not splitting the two activities so far apart, say the pros. Instead, I should apparently be marrying up my “iron” and “I-run” into the same day at least some of the time. Specifically, by doing weight or strength training first followed by some low intensity cardio, I can stand to get to the hard to burn fat far more easily.


Well, typically when you work out, there’s a whole process that has to happen. First you gotta get through that easy-access energy fuel (like whatever carbs you recently chowed down). It’s not until after that’s been spent that your body’ll finally recruit your fat as fuel. That’s why they say order’s important with your two-part workout. A thorough sesh of bicep curls or band work or booty dropping (A.K.A squats) involves bursts of energy that use up your glycogen stores. (Provided you go H.A.M. enough with it.) If you burn through that and then go for a cool down style jog (or spin sesh – or any form of cardio, really), then that’s where the money is. ’cause you left all your carbs at the gym. Now you finally get to blast the fat around your muscles and muffin top alike. You wouldn’t get that effect so easily if you’d only just done the weights or the run alone. Together, though, they’re a better power couple than Beyonce and whoever she’s married to by the time you read this.

“Now, kiss.”

All that said, if you’re looking to have a good, quality cardio or weight lifting sesh, then – yeah – separate up your days. This lifting and aerobic combo’s solely an excellent means to a supercharged weight loss end. (And probably less stellar advice if you’re either prepping for your Mr. Universe competish or quadrathon.)

So, in sum, my aspiring pound droppers: don’t stop your workout with the muscle pumpery. Go on and get aerobic afterward, for an added weight loss benefit. Instead of splitting the weekend into Squat-urday and Sunday Runday, do a duo of both for some next level fat eradication. But, just remember, which one you do first is super crucial in order to diminish visceral fat.

Wait until weight training’s done to run, and you’ll burn off those buns in no time.

#aerobic#cardio#fat burning#glycogen#strength training#weight training

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