Tag - strength training

July 25, 2018

Do You Lose More Weight With Strengthening Or Cardio?

Still undecided on how to divide time between cardio and strength training? Of course you are. The struggle is real when you’re on the perma-grind. You don’t have much time...

April 27, 2018

When weight loss isn’t enough: the other reason you should weight train

Any one else here addicted to cardio? And tend to neglect strength training? (To my shame, yes…) I’ll admit it. For a few months (thanks, extended winter), I fell off...

December 20, 2017

Barbells and breathing: are you doing it wrong?

Breathing right’s one of the easiest things you can do. Even the thickest gym rodent can figure it out… right? (“I sip eeeen air and push eeet out.”) But, actually,...

April 19, 2017

HIIT your weight loss goals with an EMOM workout

I love playing brain games with myself to get my best workout in. (Just pretend the pain’s happening to the chick who took the last of the matcha powder at...

January 27, 2017

Can you booty sculpt a tighter tush on the treadmill?

Too busy for both booty lifting and your (very necessary) treadmill session? No worries, my friend. ’cause sculpting your sitter while sweating to the monotonous sound of your own kicks...

December 15, 2016

Why you should lift weights later in the day

Weight training’s great. It makes us strong. It blasts fat. It even programs massive confidence into our noggins. But, when we’re meant to do cardio on the regular, too, when...

November 29, 2016

Pistol squats for a booty that pops like a cap

So, you lost the weight… But, now, you wanna step up your gains game and fine-tune that booty. That’s why you’ve started your squats, gotten a strength training routine, and...

November 3, 2016

Why you should half-azz your workout

When it comes to working out, I love the idea of multitasking. Anything that works out all of me in half the time gets all the marks in my book....

October 19, 2016

Can you lose weight doing jiu-jitsu?

Ever since I joined my local dojo, I’ve lost scads of fat and put on plenty’ve muscle. Seriously. Between Muay Thai kickboxing, Jeet Kune Do, and Krav Maga, I’ve had...

October 14, 2016

Why you should lift and spin (or swim… or run) in the same day.

I love running. I’ve also (very, very, very gradually) begun to appreciate the joy of weight and strength training. (Once you associate the activity with the results, you hate it...

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