Why we shouldn’t use “The Biggest Loser” for weight loss motivation

August 8, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

We know we shouldn’t compare ourselves to airbrushed supermodels.

But comparing ourselves to the likes of “The Biggest Loser” contestants – that’s okay, right?

I mean, when we’re talking weight loss, these people are the real deal, no? Here they hailed from a totally overweight lifestyle. The pizza. The burgers. The sodas. The lack of activity. And then they came on this show, stuck out the rigorous protocol, and turned all of that around for a slender, better them. So, we can aspire to that, can’t we?

I mean, we saw it happen right in front of our eyes, no?


Yes. These people lost legit weight.

And, yes, they lost it in the alleged amount of time. We all saw that. But what we don’t see is what goes on behind the scenes – along with what transpires before and after. What we don’t get to know – is how many of the contestants are being given nothing more than baby food, to ensure those last few pounds come off. Or how they aren’t allowed to replenish their electrolytes. (Granted – the sugary sports drinks aren’t the way to go – but they weren’t even supplied with the right kind’ve foods to do the job.) What we also don’t see is how – prior to the show – some contestants are even “fattened” up, so that the ultimate weight loss will seem even more dramatic. And, finally, (since zero point zero of that’s a lasting way to lose weight and keep it off), everyone gains back a goodly portion of those pounds once the show ends. Something else we don’t see.

And they don’t care.

Because this is Hollywood. It’s not meant to educate or inspire. It’s meant to entertain. And, much like the footage of contestants treadmilling ‘til they blow chunks on their trainer demonstrates, it’s about extremes, as well. They wanna be able to show excessive weight loss shoved into micro increments of time. They want something that’s gonna make viewers says “wow”, tune in for more, and vicariously enjoy this fantasy world in which people drop down to a third of their size in under a month. Is it possible to accomplish? Absolutely. Is it possible to accomplish without hurting yourself, ending up with flesh flaps and stretch marks, or boomeranging back your weight within the same amount of time it took you to lose it? Probably not.

So, no. We absolutely don’t wanna waste any time comparing our weight loss to some Hollywood fog n’ mirror circus. It’s all artifice. And, even if it wasn’t, these people aren’t you. Their bodies are different. That’s why it’s so much simpler if we don’t try to match some somatic idol. Sure, we can use someone else’s motivation to inspire our fitness. But, after that, we’ve gotta seek out what we need to succeed. Have patience and you’ll gain a sustainable fitness path. That’s when you’ll lose big time weight. The kind that stays off.

Just like your T.V. should, when these eye-roll worthy shows come on.

#weight loss stories#weight loss t.v. shows#weight loss tips

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