Why living like a bikini model will kill your weight loss goals

May 2, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Ever log onto Insta for some fitspiration?

And then see chicks like the one on the left?

And quit before you even begin?

Well, that’s probably why Ann Ledbetter, former bikini competitor, popped snap online recently.

See, the before ‘n after competition life snap accompanied a story – one that shared her behind-the-scenes retrospective on being in a body hotness contest. (Along with why we shouldn’t try to measure up to such illusions.) Avoid aspiring to the the level of the ladies you see on stage, all scantily clad, she says. (Or the pics like this they post on IG, for that matter.) Why?

Because it’s just part’ve their fleeting highlight reel.

It’s not real.

And it’s not lasting. That before image, she explains, isn’t how she gets to be most of the time. That’s after pushing it at the gym for hours and starving herself into the single digit body fat percentage area while suffering mid-summer chills. Is that really even fitness? But, then again, you might be saying that – after all that hard work – the picture on the right (after quitting fitness competitions) doesn’t seem right either. That’s because focusing on fitness isn’t any longer a priority for her. And, TBH, if I’d gone over the top competing like she did, it wouldn’t be for me, either. I’d fly so far in the other direction that I’d need a seatbelt extender to get there.

Per Ann:

“I was almost in the single digits for body fat % (not healthy), constantly cold (in the middle of JULY), always thinking about my next meal because I was in a deep caloric deficit and couldn’t miss a gym session because ‘I was ___ weeks out from my show’. I also remember sending that exact photo to my coach asking him if I was ready because I thought I still needed to lose fat in my stomach…like what?!”

And that’s why this is such a beautiful reminder that sustainable weight loss leaves zero room for extremes.

While the image on the right certainly isn’t fodder for TLC’s show for the morbidly obese (she’s still fine – just not so defined anymore), it’s still a bit’ve a shock. She hardly looks like the same chick. Even she thinks so herself (otherwise she wouldn’t be sharing her story.) And, while we can all be glad that she’s happier, some of us are also quick to admit that we might like something betwixt the two. Something between the left side’s extra lean Xena… and what’s transpiring on the right there. (Although, I ain’t mad atchya if you’re thinking you’d take either after the cheat month you just involuntarily underwent.)

But, you know what? It’s actually not so hard. All you’ve gotta do is strike a balance. No extreme diets. No crazy gym schedules. Rather, by rocking a diet that’s teeming with greenery (and even protein, carbs, and fat ratios), keeping agua-fied, and HIIT’ing when you hit the gym for cardio and strengthening, you stand to drop a significant amount’ve pounds. Being a boss at weight loss isn’t about starving your abs into place until you’re shivering. It isn’t about working out an insane amount while your friends all go out without you ‘cause you’re a bummer to be around when you’re Snickers level hangry. It’s about balancing your life priorities the same way you balance the macros on your plate or the weight plates you’re popping on that bar before you go swoll-ify yourself.

So, this bikini season, don’t compete with those you’ve seen gracing the stage.

‘cause, chances are, their lack of balance means that rockin’ body’s not going to last.

But yours totally can.

#bikini competitor#fitness#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips

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