Why evening overeating’s the enemy of weight loss and how to stop it (part 1)

April 21, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Emotional eaters: when do you eat your biggest meal?

Behemoth breakfast? Leviathan Lunch?


I’m willing to bet that at least half’ve you just mentally confirmed that latter choice.

Is it because I’m a dietary telepathic? No. It’s probably more so because it takes one to know one. And, unfortunately, super sized suppers aren’t our best bet for weight loss. Ever hear the “eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper” suggestion? There’s a reason for this. Breakfast is like getting a paycheck at the head of your day. You’re about to go blow through that caloric allowance by working, working out, and making a bunch’ve brain beleaguering decisions. You need it then. As the day’s dwindling off, however, you don’t need so much. Because, unlike money, calories unused just end up on our endside (if we eat too many of ’em). So all’s we need by the evening’s just enough to maintain.

And this is a totally foreign concept to me.

As someone who doesn’t drink (or even take the anxiety medication she once highly prioritized and dubbed “pharmaceutical oxygen”), food’s an easy way to assuage the day’s woes. Hell, it’s even that way for a good number of you who do drink. Let’s just call a thing a thing. Admittedly, that’s tough to do (because: ego). It doesn’t paint us in the best light. We look like werewolves who morph into willpowerless freaks come evening. So, let’s quickly figure out three things before depression sets in. First: What’s the big deal? Second: why am I (and so many other folk) doing it?

(And, third: how we can change it)

Well, the big deal’s that going to bed on a full tummy means it’s not going to digest very well and that you’re going to get a terrible sleep. It’s like two systems are in competition – the one that gets and keeps you asleep versus the one that processes that cauldron of ramen and miscellaneous other goodies you just swallowed whole. So that’s why we can’t do it and lose weight.

Alright fine. I can take this pride smiting information.

But why are some’ve us afflicted with this proclivity in the first place? Keep reading to find out…

#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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