Which Type of Fiber Makes You Lose Weight?

July 22, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

“Eat your fiber! It’ll make you lose weight!”

Maybe you’ve heard it before. (Likely, if you’ve hung around this site at all.) Or maybe not. Fiber fills you up. Fiber makes you fuller for longer. Fiber makes your porcelain throne visits a bit more… productive. (#FailedEuphemism) And, sure, it’s all true. Fiber will do that. But, if you’re anything like I am, advice doesn’t digest (pun not intended, but I’ll take credit for it anyway) unless you have rationale to back it up. I need an explanache that makes me really realize what’s happening in my body, before I start suffering through the pain of change by ushering in some good, new habits.

And what it comes down to is this:

When we talk about fiber fighting fat, we’re not just talking about any kind’ve fiber. We’re talking about soluble fiber. Yeah, that’s right. Didn’t know there were two kinds, did ya? Well, neither did I, until recently. See, the insoluble sort just sort’ve goes through you. It gets barely processed and then just pops out, mostly intact, Jonah and the whale style. (If Jonah’d left through the, ya know, exit.) That’s because it doesn’t dissolve in agua. (Hence the name.)

But soluble fiber does. And this is great because, once it hits the liquid in your system, it transitions into a gel form. That gel mixes with other bits of nibbles you’ve eaten. And the result’s a clump of stuff you’ve munched that slows down the whole digestion process. That’s fabulous news for us because, if your body’s still processing breakfast a few hours from now, that means you won’t be an eating machine again by the time you get to work and pass the muffin stand.

So that’s all good and well, but what should we eat, specifically, then? Do we avoid the other kind’ve fiber? Absolutely not. Insoluble fiber foods warrant a place on your weight loss plate too, inasmuch as they help keep things moving once that food’s finally digested. (I mean… we’re not losing weight over here to get stuck with abs of meal.) It’s just that – if you’re going for the fullness factor that keeps you from snacking on paunch fodder later on, you might wanna add some of the soluble options also. The idea’s to make sure you’re getting enough’ve both:

It’s a team work action. Soluble slows the digestion.

And once digestion’s done, insoluble expels it, leaving you feeling fitter, lighter, and more energetic.

So if belly fat’s still an issue, make sure you add some soluble fiber to solve it!

#fiber and weight loss#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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