Volunteer Weight Loss: 4 Reasons To Donate Your Weight Away

October 16, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

You’ve heard it all when it comes to weight loss, right?

Try this new low cal thing. Try this buzz worthy workout. Go become a stripper. But have you ever thought of losing weight by giving it away? Ya know – for the sake of someone else? No, I don’t mean donating your fat rolls like they did in “Fight Club”. What I mean is donating your time and activity. See, last Sunday, I (begrudgingly) got up early to go do a volunteer (AKA “voluntold”) shift for kids with neurological and behavioral issues for school. And, while I (so very, very much) didn’t want to do it, I ended up having a fulfilling experience and getting an insane workout in too. By the day’s end, I could see how doing this regularly could really help someone stay in great shape – inside out. The first reason’s obvious. If you’re running after ADHD kids all day and trying to keep them entertained, you’re gonna break a sweat. You’re going home with fewer calories in your body bank than you came in with.

(See? Left side dude’s quasi jacked from all that handicapped basketball)

Second, think about what else you might typically be doing on a Sunday.

Imbibing brunch with your girls until you all need an uber ride home?

Stress snacking as Monday taunts you from fewer than 24 hours away?

Those are all fun. Sure. (Sometimes.) But if your poor habits are catching up with ya, something like this is a great substitute for all of those porkifying pastimes you might otherwise be doing. That’s the big thing people forget. If you’re trying to nix a negative habit, you gotta have a sub in ritual on deck. A healthy one, like this, that holds you accountable is definitely a sustainable shoo-in. Plus (and this’s reason three you’ll lose weight by making this a habit), there’s the feel good aspect. This is so underrated. And, while I know it sounds a bit like someone whose only possession is a yoga mat and mala beads might say, there is a science to human connection and helping others. What’s more, there’s a correlation between that and making fitter lifestyle decisions. Ever notice how merely giving money to the needy doesn’t make you feel particularly spiritually fulfilled? Who knows where it went. The recipient couldn’t even see you. When we help others in person, see the effect we’re having, and forge a connection, it releases the hormone oxytocin. This makes us feel safe and connected. And guess what we tend to do when we’re high on our own supply of “safe and connected” hormones? We guard our amazing healthy efforts like a precious ring that’ll make us disappear. (Or our excess fat, at least.) We’re less likely to pour four layer pie down our oral corridors.

We’re on such a soul buzz that we tend to bend away from self sabotage.

The yes-and to this (the fourth reason) is the fact that seeing the physical deficits in these children makes us more grateful and inspired. First, we feel grateful for being “normal”. Unlike these poor kids, we have all our faculties. So it’s a slap in the face of whatever cosmic entity is responsible for that to abuse the human husk we live in with inactivity and inordinate amounts of food. On the other hand though, despite their deficits, these kids are so resilient. They don’t let it hold them back. Seeing their drive to excel despite the hand they were dealt inspires us to be our best selves in a way even the hottest fitspo models can’t offer. This is actually great, too, if you’re not into the whole church thing but still crave a way to uplift your spirits when everyone else is headed off to the god house on Sunday morning.

That said, if kids aren’t exactly your thing, there are plenty’ve other weight dropping volunteer options.

For example, Habitat for Humanity’ll have you swinging hammers and weight lifting house materials all day. (Even if you don’t meet the actual fam you’re building it for, the interaction with other members is invaluable – as is the weight loss result.) Eco cleanup is another one I did a couple years back. (You go around beautifying a little patch of our planet and get connected with fellow species members.) Charity runs, homeless shelter cleanup, and dog walking at the local humane society are all also welcome acts of service that burn blubber right up.

Oh, and did you know that donating blood burns calories?

(Just don’t go so hard that you get high off the lack’ve blood like this chick clearly is….)

In sum:

If you’re looking to elevate your soul and lower your weight, maybe donate a Sat or Sunday every now ‘n then.

#unconventional weight loss#weight loss tips#weight loss tricks

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