This winter, shift your workout inside – to IMAXshift’s spin class

December 18, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

If you’re like me, you adore outdoor workouts.

But, if you’re like me, you also probably live somewhere where winter’s a thing. And that means, some days, it’s just too effing freezing (or icy… or – did anyone feel that bitter wind today?) to be out and about in the elements. It becomes counterproductive. Sure, you wanna exercise outside. It soothes your soul – usually. But, when it’s positively North Polar out there (frostbite’s no joke, my friends), it ceases to be enjoyable. And that’s when we’ve gotta reconsider our options – think outside the box of frost our body’s are embedded in after trying to brave too few degrees.

Enter, IMAX shift.

Yes, it’s a spin class. But before you spin your eyes skyward, thinking of those sweaty little rooms in the back of your local gym, rank with the musk of miserable cyclists, think again. Because this isn’t your typical spin studio. This bike boutique takes all the fun of the cinema, and puts you in it – while you’re working out. Ever go see a movie, and get reeled right in (pardon the pun)? The action, displayed on that massive screen, almost makes it your reality. It’s where those edge-of-your-seat and nail-biting descriptions always come in. But what if your actual aerobic sesh put you in that scenario?

Yeah. IMAXshift is kinda like that.

But with bikes.

Sure, it’s $34 for a quarter short’ve an hour.

But in New York boutique fitness speak, that’s actually a steal. It’s an even better deal than the Prada bags of questionable origin you’ll find in that greasy guy’s trunk outside. Not to mention, it’s effective. Why and how? Well, by placing the patron spinners in front of a behemoth silver screen, IMAXshift does the same your favorite films do – take you into the movie. Granted, you’re not getting a superhero narrative here. But, with all the rest of the room dark, and nothing else to steal your attention away, you’re totally honed in on the action unraveling in front of you. Mountain terrains. Cityscapes. Outer space. It might sound fantastical, but isn’t The Walking Dead? Or True Blood? Or Game of Thrones? And didn’t you still manage to shudder when you thought Glenn’s intestines were being eaten by the undead? Or gasp a little when dragons happened in GoT? Similarly, when you’ve got nada distracting happening, these ethereal scenes suddenly become your reality, too.

And what’s the benefit of this? Beyond battling old man winter?

Places like the IMAXshift actually enhance your activity’s quality – optimizing your weight loss tremendously. How’s that? Well, without mirrors to judge yourself, digital built-in counters causing you to count how many more calories (or minutes) you’ve got to go, or lights to let you compare yourself to others – you become solely focused on the seemingly realistic screen instead. (Although they *do* email you your stats after class, so you can see just how badazz you were, after the fact.)

(All are in awe except for pinkbra.
But, judging by her awesome bod, it’s prob ’cause she’s seen this scene an obscene number’ve times already.)

By doing that, you’re already augmenting your workout by keeping your attention away from anything negative that causes you to start breathing anxiously and lose out on the full body oxygen that makes for a stellar sweat sesh. Rather, that oxygen increases when your focus is on nada but whatever scenario you’re riding into. Because, just like when you watch one of those usual big-screen movies, your vitals are inevitably gonna respond and wanna match the camera dashing down a mountain trail or up one’ve Saturn’s rings (not sure if that’s one’ve the things they do – but it totally should be). The point’s that you get excited, so that available adrenaline fuel ferries you right into scene number next, seemingly effortlessly, as you pedal faster to catch up to the camera’s pace. And a harder workout always means more calorie burning – which means more weight loss in the long run.

Weight you didn’t need to freeze off or bore yourself into burning off your virtual globe trotting bod.

#boutique fitness#cardio#imax shift#new york fitness#spin class

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