This Victoria’s Secret model’s awesome body secret is a fit fridge

November 27, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

So, by now you’ve seen some of the workouts that Victoria’s Secret models do to stay catwalk hot.

But what about the other half of having a badazz body?

Don’t we wanna know what kind of food fuels these ethereal lingerie angels?

Well, when over half of fitness is what I’m fittin’-in-this mouth each day, my answer’s a resounding “yes”. I do wanna know. Nay, I need to know how these scantily clad creatures eat to stay lean and strong alike. Because even the most active Adrianas of the angels can’t outfly a not so fly diet. And that’s why (when I did a little reading on exactly that topic today), I absolutely adored hearing what model Rachel Hilbert had to share about her fare not being a fairweather practice. She doesn’t just diet for fashion show events. No. Her edibles help her retain her amazing shape year round so that she can both look the way she wants to and have the energy to do all the other stuff her lifestyle requires.

Sure, she digs a little slice of her fave pizza or pie vices now and again.

(Keywords there: “now and again” AKA occasionally AKA not often…)

However, for the most part, the food room in her home is constantly stocked with the following items:

1. Olive oil

Let’s get it straight. We do need fat in our diets. We just need to make sure we’re having the right kinds. Thus, while olive oil’s indeed got fat – it’s the healthy brand of fat we definitely require. (Along with avocados and nuts and all the other non trans-fat goodies.) It’s not something that your body’ll have trouble processing (or burning off) later, it is good for your heart, and it’s a fabulous sub for the other, more malevolent oils you might be using ATM.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Part of whittling away the weight is maintaining an optimal metabolism and burning fat.

Apple Cider Vinegar’s said to aid in this process, so Rachel reaches for this on the regular.

3. Fruit

It appears that all that beauty accompanies a set of great brains too. Because Miss Hilbert’s got a definite understanding of how fresh fruit’s your sweet tooth’s best, most natural craving cure. That’s why she’s always packing plenty’ve watermelon, blueberries, and raspberries – and we should all strive to do the same. ’cause while we might think we need ice cream, often just popping a couple’ve nature’s Skittles in your mouth’ll spank the hankering.

4. Spinach

Whether it’s Popeye or hotties who make your eyes pop outta your skull, there’s a reason this stuff is a go-to for the winners of the world. It’s chock full of all the minerals we need. And, while that might seem like an abstract or generic concept when it comes to weight loss and fitness, it ultimately translates to excellent energy levels. That means you won’t have to push yourself to work out – you’ll just feel pulled to do it. You’ll want to. And isn’t half the battle on the exercise end of health, getting yourself to do it at all? Wouldn’t it be nice if the stuff you ate could make it easier?

5. Coconut oil

Another member of the “healthy fat” club, this stuff is an ideal cooking substitute.

It’s also stellar at cholesterol regulating and giving you glistening skin.

Need I say more?

6. Probiotics

Do you know what kind’ve bugs are living in your belly?

If you don’t – and if the wrong kinds are – then that might be half the problem behind any of your unwanted weight. Because having the bad guys colonize your abdomen’s proven to be a surefire way to gain weight. Studies have shown again and again that when malicious microorgansims are replaced with fat fighting flora, your gut gets a whole makeover (along with the rest’ve your body). Less bloating. Better digestion. Overall balance. Time to let some’ve these guys come live in our fridges (and bellies), stat.

7. Protein

While Hilbert enjoys her eggs, I myself always keep a vegan substitute on hand to offer for any of you choosing a plant based path. Tempeh, tofu, and seitan are just a few high protein foods. But so are beans and nuts. Enjoy green smoothies for breakfast? Add some hemp protein. It’ll help improve satiation and impart energy. But just remember that the stuff – while crucial to a good, balanced diet – isn’t something to overdo. Make sure to balance it out with the aforementioned fats and carbs – just like Rachel does.

And that’s what it all boils down to (as it often does): balance.

If you want your own Viccy’s angel level physique, simply quit making your wings work so hard to hold you up.

Lighten that load by adding a few these heavenly Hilbertian additions to your kitchen.

#diet tips#fitness tips#model bodies#victoria's secret#weight loss

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