Is weight loss possible without working out?

June 25, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

As a fitness nut, it’s tough for me to even conceive of it…

Stay healthy and lose weight without working out?

Now, if you’ve got any kind’ve time and are able bodied, no.

You pro’lly don’t have an excuse to eschew exercise at least a few times a week. Get out there now. Quit reading and go. Aside from the physical facet, it does wonders for the thought box living on top’ve our respective necks, too. After exercise, we think more clearly. We’re more creative. We’re happier, too. (Because: endorphins.) That said, what if you just can’t work out? (And no, I don’t mean the meme level, colloquial “I can’t”, where you can but you just loathe it so much and don’t wanna.) I mean, what if you’ve just manufactured a mini-you? And the tiny tyrant’s keeping you up at all hours and demanding all your extra attention? What if you’re under doc’s orders? How can you keep on top’ve your weight game life happens?

Simply. (And by “simply” I mean: easy to comprehend, struggle bus level difficult to follow.)

So, let’s start from the top: diet.

Which’ve these snacks do you think is a better bet for a sedentary life style?

(Girl, you’re focusing far too hard for a non-trick question…)

They (and by “they” I mean the expert peeps with degrees in body beautification) tell you that diet comprises over half’ve health. Yes, exercise matters. But if what’s going into your flesh vessel’s subpar, processed, or excessive, then guess what? Exercise wouldn’t be helping your rapidly expanding backside anyway. Not enough. Thus, the trick is to kick your kitchen game into high gear: eat greener, balance your macros, monitor your caloric intake, and mindfully munch. The processed nosh’s gotta go. It’ll pack on the fat, won’t give you much energy, and – especially if it’s high in refined sugar – it’ll leave you hungry again in nothing point nothing seconds.

But it doesn’t stop with eating.

This also applies to whatever it is you’re guzzling down that’s upping the numbers on the scale.

Now, honestly, I’d say what I’m about to say even if you were exercising:

The soda belongs where we just put the processed food.

Your Coca Cola, most of those store bought juices, and – yes – even the specialty Starbucks dranks (*raises hand*: “GUILTY!”) are all garbage fodder. Now, I’m not saying we’ve all gotta trash our trashy faves forever. (I sure don’t.) But, we do need to moderate. Especially if we’re not making time to make it rain sweat, in which case, we gotta take that number down a li’l bit lower. The second I traded in most’ve my body marring beverages for water, my whole life went through a level up. Granted, I make time to work out. But, even on my less active days, subbing some agua in for slurpable sugarfests has made all the diff in the world on an energy and weight maintenance level. Not only am I avoiding the sugar that’ll transmogrify into fat in my body and make me hungry in nothing point nothing seconds – but I’m also filling up so I don’t overeat when it’s dine o’ clock.

Plus, just because we’re not turning into human waterfalls at the local gym, doesn’t mean we can’t work calorie burning and muscle strengthening workouts into our day. Remember – there’s a whole host of non-exercise exercise interwoven into your boring nine-to-five. Yes, hoisting your tot around counts as a workout. Yes, trotting around town betwixt meetings counts. And we can all make even more’ve these daily necessities work for our fitness too. Work on the second floor? Take the stairs. Whole Foods overrun with hipster zombie traffic? Take advantage of the faraway parking (instead’ve driving around for an hour, waiting for the superclose slot) and get your heart rate up with the trek to the entrance. Shoot, if you work in the city, you can even accomplish that by parking somewhere that doesn’t charge for parking, and getting some light cardio walking the rest’ve the way to work.

And, finally, make time for your mind. Just because your legs aren’t running, doesn’t mean your mind can make up for it. An overtaxed thinker leads to increased stress levels. That means more cortisol. And that potentially means more stress eating as well as more stored fat. Avoid all’ve that by taking five to ten minutes to just meditate, bang out a quick yoga practice, or perform some sort’ve “me” time that’s you specific so you can recharge and start your day in a tranquil state.

Now, I’m not here to blow photons up your booty chute. Will you look like Sports Illustrated material? Will you be able to carry as many groceries in at once as someone who gyms on the regular? Probably not. Muscles are like the “Field of Dreams” quote – you gotta build it for them to come out and hit a home run of body awesomery. That said, keeping a clean diet, devoid of sugar and processed junk means avoiding excessive weight gain. So does taking care’ve your brain – or getting in a micro workout where you can.

In sum: there’re some legit excuses for failing to get a good half hour sweat for weight loss. And that sucks if you want a god(dess)y bod that functions fabulously. But you wanna know the silver lining? There are zero reasons for failing to follow simple runner-up tips like these that’ll at least keep obesity at bay. And that’s actually great news. Why? Because it means you still can control your own health. It means that keeping weight gain away is within your power. And you know what else it means?

That when you can work out again, you won’t have so far to to go to reach your weight loss goals.

#diet hacks#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips

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