Is this gadget the magic wand for weight loss?

June 28, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

It’s tough.

When you want weight loss in a hurry – but don’t have time to buy healthy stuff – what do you do?

(“Wave my wooden spoon like a magic wand? Til something appears?”)

Well, close. Because we may not be able to get sustainable weight loss in a hurry; but, with the latest Amazon gadget – the Dash Wand – we might at least be able to get our weight loss inducing food in a hurry. (That, is, after a bit’ve refining by its makers.) What this wand reportedly performs is an addition of grocery items to your e-cart – all deliverable to your door. (It’s essentially a tiny food-reading Alexa.) That’s right – it can even scan your snacks. The bonus? That, unlike its predecessors, you get to check over your order via phone app, pre-checkout. (Versus the transaction being done stat, as with Dash Button.) Not enough for you? Then, get this: you know all those annoying amount conversions you hafta math out in the kitchen? Not anymore. ’cause this badboy can convert all those vexing measurements you didn’t memorize back in grade school – as well as copy your grocery order for next week, seek out restaurants in the vicinity, and even alter the illumination in the room. Sounds pretty awesome, right? Half the time we order unhealthy delivery food, it’s out’ve convenience – because we’ve got nothing good to cook. And it packs on the pounds. How much easier would weight loss be if you weren’t tempted to order delivery, though? If you had this magic wand that made quality nosh ever available?

Only problem is… the thing only got a few stars out’ve five after its big debut.


(“Amazon Review: FAIL. Product couldn’t scan me for a clone to cure my ForeverAlone.”)

Not exactly… See, while it has the potential to do all the stuff it says, the application’s apparently less than stellar – according to testimonials. For one, the stuff buyers scanned had massive markups. Unfortunately, that extra expense factor didn’t justify the convenience for many. Second, you know when you try to use talk to text? And it mistakes “peaches” for “pizza”? Yeah, that happens with the wand, as well. (Knowing me, I’d just keep in my cart, too, calling it a cosmic sign from the heavens that I’m meant to get fat.) Then, also, the Alexa reportedly effs up the order altogether sometimes, making for extra work when you go to review your cart. One buyer even chastised themselves, saying they spent as much time trying to correct an error as they would’ve just running into Aldi quickly.

Now, I haven’t tried this thing for myself yet, so I can’t confirm or deny how awesome or awful it is. That said, I have had a cavalcade of technological fails this week. First was my laptop. Then my iphone. Then it was the machines at work. And, slowly I’m beginning to realize that I waste more time trying to save time via technology than I would just doing things the conventional way. In a way, my reliance on technology to “speed things up”, has become the modern version of searching for the remote for an hour to change one of those retro-televisions with the dial built into it. So… while I love this idea, until the kinks get worked out, I think I’ll stick to my typical regimen… and resign myself to the fact that the fifteen minute trip into the grocery store at the end of the night just might be quicker. (Not to mention less stressful.)

Hey, if I park far enough away, I could even count it as a workout, too!

#alexa#amazon dash#weight loss gadgets#weight loss hacks

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