How not to binge post gym

May 9, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Ever finish HIIT, all glistening with perspiration and brimming with pride?

Only to go home – and sabotage your sweaty efforts by mauling a massive meal with your mug?

Yeah I’ve been there – and it’s often stuff I shouldn’t even be eating….

(Actual footage of the last person who got between me and the fridge after the gym)

Ya know, TBH, I never really gave it much thought until recently. My logic was always that my body felt robbed of calories and was just trying to compensate by demanding more. That or that I didn’t agua-fy my body enough before unhinging my jaw to accommodate a cauldron of pasta. Either seemed legit. But, while the latter probably holds some truth, the experts say the former’s actually not the main explanache for why you’re ravenous after Tabata. See, losing calories isn’t annihilating your attempts at weight loss. That’s not what’s causing your feast seeking hormones to be released.

Instead, it’s actually more to do with glycogen (which we discussed in an earlier article and I’m sure you read because you’ve totally got notifications beamed to your phone whenever I post something new…). Glycogen’s the gold coin we use for cardio currency. And, as it begins to dip, our body’s gotta tap into blood sugar to finish the job. And when that happens, our body goes on red alert, sends out Grehlin (the hunger hormone) which insists we grab a nibble imminently. The kind’ve insistence our steeliest willpower can’t ignore.

(Three point four seconds after your post workout meal…)

Well, okay.

Sweet biology lecture on what a Judas my body’s being just ’cause I try to turn it into art with perspiration as my paintbrush. But the only problem’s that I kinda don’t care. Not unless this lesson comes with a good solution. And, lucky for us, it does. Because, as you may have noticed, that carnal cask you carry on inside of doesn’t always demand edibles immediately after a workout. Right? I mean, sometimes we wrap up an hour’ve arse whoopery at the gym, feeling like feeding couldn’t be farther from our minds. But why? Probably because you let it stop at the gobble gas station within a few hours of pouring moisture out’ve your pores. And therein lies our answer. Instead’ve fasting before you stir up your system like a lab flask, jetting peckish chemicals around, eat. Eat a healthy meal. And do it a couple’ve hours before lacing up. Not only will your metabolism be murdering those calories for more hours after, but you also can train like a beast without eating like one after. Fitness shouldn’t be some cyclical treadmill where you’re chasing your own chunky tail ’cause you starved pre-gym, binged after, only to starve again tomorrow before punishing yourself anew. The fix is simple. By eating beforehand, you can have a normal meal, stay satiated, and stay on track both in the amounts and quality of what you munch.

And have less of a dietary mess to clean up come tomorrow.

#diet and weight loss#exercise and weight loss#weight loss#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips#weight loss trcks

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