Get a Viccy’s Secret body with the class makes you “train like an angel”

December 21, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

While wandering through Viccy’s Secret the other day, I saw a fun tee shirt.

One I’m seeing everywhere these days.

And, cute though it was, it made me wonder…

How exactly does one train like an angel? Lots of Barre class? Long distance running? That one combo arm and leg exercise where you furiously wave “No thanks” and sprint the other way when the saboteurs at your office offer you coffee cake? I’ve heard of the diets these chicks do to stay in shape. Surprisingly, a lot of it’s just about eating cleaner and drinking more water. And that’s super important. Over half of weight loss (or maintenance for that matter) comes from the kitchen. But what about when it comes to the gym? How does someone like, say, Alessandra Ambrosio stay so scorchy hot?

Well… by doing this:

That contraption Miss Ambrosio’s on’s called the “Megaformer”. Created by a formerly porky kid, Sebastien Lagree, this workout’s said to be the ultimate. Don’t have time for both cardio, yoga, and strengthening? No worries. Instead’ve spending your hour at the gym, monotonously jogging on a treadmill (before spending another on weights), you can just do this. ’cause, apparently, this class combines everything. Strength. Flexibility. Balance. Endurance. Cardio. Core. In less than an hour, you can work it all. It’s basically pilates – on bath salts.

The only caveat?

That it might just be the toughest workout you ever do.

“Well, that might not be a deal breaker,” I think to myself. “Not if you can convince me it’s worth it.” So, I read into it a little. I wanted to know, for example, why it’s so effective. How’s this thing manage to make Alessandra shaped human shells? How do I know all this work’s gonna make me lean instead’ve the green giant? Simple, according to the creator. First, you’re working in all different planes – so you target lit’rally e’rything. No sweaty stone’s left unturned. Second, since some part of you’s always working, you’re going for total muscle fatigue with this workout. A biggie for getting a lean body. Then, finally, you might notice the sloth speed at which the chicks are moving if you lurk in on a class. (Or just YouTube people doing it.) But that’s what makes it work. By employing adjustable spring loaded resistance with slow and controlled motions, you call on your slow-twitch muscle fibers. This, in turn, is said to up your stamina and O2 alike, meaning your bod can burn more for longer. But, also, there’s something unique about recruiting slow twitch fibers specifically. Instead’ve making you pack on thicker layers of brawn like fast-twitch fiber exercises tend to do, these badboys are beasts at fat burning. Add it all together, and that’s how this massive gadget can morph you into a schmexy, sculpted, blubber erasing machine.

Think you can handle the pain it takes to train like an angel?

Maybe make a Megaformer class part of your New Years fitness regimen.

I’m already looking into classes in my area

#weight loss exercises#weight loss hacks#weight loss tips#Wh

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