5 Reasons To Root For This Weight Loss Root

October 3, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Sure, you’re putting in work.

But, when it comes to fitness, you’re always looking to improve.

Always looking for that one organic supplement that’ll make you level up…

I feel you, girl. I get hardcore FOMI (fear of missing improvement) too.

Granted, I don’t go psycho (see what I did there?) about it. I won’t order tons of supplements that lie about what they’ll do or what’s in them. (Protip: that model with a Rapunzel mop had them long locks long before taking those Nutrafol vitamins). But, when it comes to natural goodies that help your health (and have proven to do so for eons), I’m all about it. Which is why I love ginger. (And, no, it’s not technically a “root”; but somehow “underground stem” just rolled off the tongue a lot less nicely in the title.) In any case, not only is ginger delish; it actually has some amazing weight loss benefits as well. And here are just five of ’em….

1. Digestion

Fiber. Water. Kundalini yoga. Anything that keeps your core’s viscera processing and moving out used food will help with weight loss, too. And ginger’s on that list. Whether it’s in fresh form at breakfast or in tea form at night, the choo-poo train’ll start arriving in time, keeping you light enough to exercise and keeping your system in check so you won’t wreck your diet.

2. Sweet zing

Also, there’s this sweet quality to ginger (much like cinnamon), that makes it feel like a treat. Adding it onto your morning breakfast in powdered form’s a fab sub for stuff like maple syrup. Not to mention how that means it’ll cut down on sugary cravings you would have usually be feeling later.

3. Spice stifles cravings too

That kick ginger has also diminishes your nibbling tendencies. Ever notice how spice can do that? Whether it’s cinnamon, Sriracha, or wasabi, I always notice I feel a bit fuller when I’m getting the tongue punch that spiciness of any kind causes. Ginger definitely delivers on this front, too.

4. Cramps

Then, post gym, when those cramps and sore muscles come, magnesium might be your go to. (If it isn’t, it should be…) And while that’s great, why stop there? Ginger’s undeniably a fab teammate for your favorite muscle calming supplement. Add it to your evening tea to make for a better workout tomorrow.

(Just don’t cause yourself *more* inflammation by getting it in sugary ginger spice latte form…)

5. Filling

And the plus to sipping a cup of this stuff before bed is the filling factor. There was a time when supper turned into a full on snackathon to match my let’s-binge-OITNB-til-ten habit. Not a good look. But, once I started making tea drinking my post dinner ritual, it not only did all the aforementioned stuff (like strangling my cravings for extracurricular food); it also physically filled me up and hydrated me nicely.

So there ya have it.

Add a dash of delicious ginger post gym to win your weight loss game!

#weight loss foods#weight loss hacks#weight loss spices#weight loss tips

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