You might need to sit down for this weight loss tip…

March 28, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

It seems like a fantastic snack hack.

You eat your meals standing, and you stand less chance of overeating… right?

You reason that spooning in those noodles nixes the possibility of post meal snacking. Also, you’re up and about right after, which mean you’re burning more calories. Plus, we’re always talking about how doing a bit more walking’s better for you at lunch time. How couldn’t this be good? Well, if you’re on the never ending hospital shift from hell, then maybe it’s not so bad. (Probably ’cause it’s ostensibly your only option, unless ya wanna starve.) And, sure, saying farewell to your chair’s championed after the meal’s over. But, while we’re eating, it’s said sitting’s superior. Because, according to science, our gobble-on-the-go tactic might just be why so many of us fail at weight loss so horribly.

So, why’s seatless eating in the hot seat?

Well, studies done on moving munchers mean more calories overall. Actually, in Canada, one study had subjects put away some takeaway, from a plastic container, while hovering over the kitchen counter. (Admittedly awkward thinking of doing this while being observed by white coats – seeing as this is generally a shameful practice I guiltily perform solo, in the food room of my abode.) Meanwhile, the other half’ve the subjects sat and ate the same fodder. The difference? They had it off a plate, with their posteriors planted in a chair. The results? Nothing, initially. However, at the later meal (where everyone got to sit), the standup eaters from earlier downed a decent amount more than the seated eaters had. To be exact, the disparity was about 30% more calories.

And what’s the explanation for this?

Well, while it’s tough to prove, researchers are rocking some pretty strong theories that make sense. And most of it boils down to psychology and our idea about fairness when it comes to our fare. When we’re standing and snacking, it doesn’t register in our minds as a legit dinner (or breakfast… or lunch). Why? ’cause we’re not sitting down and enjoying it, like we probably were raised to do. We look forward to a nice, savory meal, most of us. And, whether we enjoy it with T.V., our latest read, or a good conversation… the association of leisure’s usually there. So, when we don’t get that, we feel a little cheated – and treat ourselves to more later. And, unfortunately, this carries over to simple ingredient nibbling in the kitchen, too. (Anyone else snack away half of your lunch’s goodies before they can even make it to the plate?) In our sneaky minds, teeming with denial, we tell ourselves “those aren’t real calories… those don’t count”. As a result, we try and write ’em off later when it’s time to do pound accounting on the bathroom scale. And we wonder how the cosmic creator could be so cruel to our waistlines when our refections have been so healthy and light.

(“’cause the calories in that massive smoothie I had between meetings today are about as real as Santa. That’s why.”)

So, tell your standing snacks and meals to take a seat.

’cause science says: to get the size’ve your rump to go down, plop it down in a chair for chomp time.

#eating#weight loss habits#weight loss hacks

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