Why you should totally record your training sessions

June 23, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

It happens about halfway through my workout, usually.

My shoulders begin to bow. My core clocks out of its cardio duties.

And, before I know it, I’m just shuffling my way through my routine – whatever it is – in name only.

Granted, it doesn’t always happen. But even an aerobi-phile like me suffers the occasional proclivity toward torpor. Sometimes those morose self-inquiries even arise, trying to best me: “What’s the point? Why bother? Who cares, really?” And on those kinds of days when I’m especially reluctant to be doing my HIIT routine, strength training, or even yoga, do you know what I do? I fire up the video camera on my phone, aim it at my lazy azz, and get to work. (And then stop, run back over to the phone, and actually hit “record” – which I inevitably always forget to do.)


Well, there are a few reasons recording your perspiration seshes is so great.

Here are just a few of mine:

1.) FORM

When I don’t want to be doing something in the first place (or forget why it’s worth doing it), that aforementioned facet – form – flies straight out the window. But not if my phone’s propped on that window’s sill, recording my every false move. If I do a warm up session – and then pause to review my documented failery, I can spend the rest of the time fixing it. (Am I hunching over? Are my knees over my toes on that squat? Do my planks look more like “downward dog” pose?) Bad habits are hard to break. They’re even harder if you don’t even realize you’re doing them. A recording device can eradicate exactly that. And that leads to the next point.


This runs in a similar vein to that lady who lost all that weight posting a selfie a day during the first phase of her health quest. When my trainer’s there, I know that I’ve got A.) someone to validate me when I do it right and B.) someone to tell me what I’m doing wrong. And, just like that latter thing’s taken care of by the judgment of future-you seeing and being disappointed enough by your lazy form to fix it, the same transpires with the former. You can see the improvements unfold and be pleased that you’re not just surviving your workout – you’re thriving through it and getting stronger.


And, speaking of future-you being pleased or displeased, the aesthetic element also can play a role. If you’re working out to acquire a specific appearance, the video’s the way to go. And it can help both in your workout and the kitchen. When I review my routine, it’s like a football coach going over films with his team. (“Mmmkay, we need to cut back on the Frapps and McDougall’s noodles while upping the lungery. Also: a bit more Tabata burn can’t hurt in nixing the jiggle”) Likewise, it can positively inspire me too.

(“If the camera adds ten pound and my azz *still* looks this good, I’m doing something right.”
Cancel plans to buy vat of chocolate empanadas and eat feelings tonight, Siri. Add plans for bikini shopping.”
Siri: “Duh… Finally.”)


Or, if you’re like me (who competed with your sister for everything growing up – not the least of which was “favorite child” award), maybe that motivation’s more about beating someone else. The bonus? Here, you’re just beating a lesser version of yourself. No one gets hurt, except the past you – from half an hour ago who you left in your sweaty, bloody dust. She couldn’t do thirty pushups all the way through. She couldn’t do four rounds on that intensity routine. She couldn’t get the bound eagle pose. Or rather, she could, but she just didn’t know it until she put on her objective specs and saw herself through a lens later. And that’s what can inspire you to keep going – witnessing the difference and knowing how much you can improve next session as well.


And finally, when you’re done, obviously, you upload a few stills from your sesh to Instagram.

That way, if you’re not happy enough with your own judgment…

…your trainer and training partners can validate you for spending Friday night doing intensity intervals.

#fitness hacks#inspiration#motivation#recording#training

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