Tag - music

March 28, 2017

Can these beats help you beat the weight loss game?

We’ve heard how music can help us lose weight. “Let the bodies hit the floor… Let the bodies hit the FLOOOOR…” The high BPM’s get your heart rate racing. It...

November 6, 2016

Why high BPM music’s even better as a pre-workout than it is at the gym.

Thinstagram posts. That tiny pair of shorts tucked into the corner of your wardrobe. Motivational pics and quips on the fridge. The different means to motivate ourselves to go workout...

May 20, 2016

How to get it up for the sprint bits of your interval workout

The fat blasting effects of an minimalistic interval workout still boggle my mind. See, not terribly long ago, I injured my foot jogging (my wifey cardio) and had to take...

November 24, 2015

Why does music improve your run time?

When I’m out running the trails, I’m not going for speed. I simply assimilate all the forest noises, sights, and smells to recalibrate and face the remainder of my day....