Why high BPM music’s even better as a pre-workout than it is at the gym.

November 6, 2016 Ashley 0 Comments

Thinstagram posts.

That tiny pair of shorts tucked into the corner of your wardrobe.

Motivational pics and quips on the fridge.

The different means to motivate ourselves to go workout are many.

And, honestly, all of those things are great. But, when it’s cardio o’ clock or gains-thirty and you’ve got a terminal case of the “don’t wanna’s”, why do these always seem to fail on their own? Well, for a few reasons. First, they’re things that have to pass the filter of our thinking. (Which gives us an opportunity to also think up a reason not to go.) Second, they’re an investment we have to put in right now for a reward we won’t get until much later. (Another battle your misbehaving brain can win.) And, third, they might motivate us to move, but they don’t necessarily inspire us on their own. Being inspired is a totally different kind’ve motivation. It means that something in you’s been touched in such a way that you want to go do that thing you didn’t wanna do moments ago. Not reluctantly – but willingly.

And how can you do that?

With music.

(“I may look bored, but I’m about to own this sweat out’ve this shiz in two minutes and twelve seconds.”)

I’ve written pieces before about how good music makes your actual workout better. According to some high tech sweat-ology studies that’ve been done, if you hit what they dub the “sweet spot” on the BMP (beats per minute), you can level up on your training. Why? Because when those beats get at the 125 to 140 level, you’re not longer trying to match your gam stride or squat droppery to David Guetta as he inquires relentlessly about “where dem girls is at”. (Protip, they’re all at the gym, getting hotter ’cause of songs like yours, homie.)

But what about before you hit the smith machine or foresty trail?

What about when you still need a motivational nudge to even leave home?

That’s when it’s even better. See, brain scans done on those who feasted on beats as their only pre-workout, showed an activated pre-frontal cortex. And, while that may mean very little to you or me, it means everything to your body. Why? ’cause an activated prefrontal cortex puts your brain into hound-with-raised-hackles mode. And that means it’s all prepped to send your flesh stems the message to sprint ASAP. Sure you might leave home dragging your half laced kicks all the way to the car. But after an auditory dose of Calvin Harris, full blast, en route to the gym… you’re ready to pillage the elliptical upon arrival.

Sure, it’s great to have that whistle-while-you-work sweat soundtrack as continued motivation. In fact, I’d totally suggest to keep that up if it’s supplementing the quality’ve your training. But, once you’re already at the schmexy-making factory, chances are you’ll stay there and make it worth your while. It’s in those at-home moments prior to that, that we need that inspo the most. And a high vibe playlist is just the prescription for that. There’s no pausing to contemplate the body you want (or talking yourself out’ve working to get it ’cause you think you aren’t worth the effort). A high BPM melody bypasses all’ve that, goes straight to your brain, so your brain can tell your legs to get on board. It’s an absolute slacker hack. And you’ll feel it happening too. ’cause (if you’re anything like me), you’ll probably start some sort’ve Fitness Marshall style warmup in the mirror already as you’re getting ready to leave.

(As your Pekinese confusedly cocks her noggin to one side and stares judgmentally.)

So, next time you’re looking to dredge up some athletic alacrity, don’t overthink your way into it.

Don’t look to the notes left on your fridge, but the ones coming out’ve your headphones.

’cause sometimes your inspiration for future thin you, comes out’ve thin air.

#bpm#music#workout motivation

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