Surpass your weight loss goals with ClassPass

May 12, 2017 Ashley 0 Comments

Still haven’t found your favorite weight loss hobby yet?

And doing more running through funds than actual running while trying to find it?

(“This is how-much-money-I-have-left-in-my-account-after-boutique-yoga mudra.
Nope. Not doing poses in the park. I just live here now.”)

I hear you. Not long ago, I wrote an article about the importance of nabbing a weight loss hobby that suits you best. And I totally stand by that. In order to achieve a stable weight that lasts, you’ve gotta enjoy what you’re doing. For me, it’s trail running, MMA training, and chasing dreams from the time the sun rises ‘til it dies behind the horizon. But before that? Before that, I spent months hunting down something fun that made me sweat without sweating how much weight I was losing. Barre was effective, but not as fun as I thought it’d be. (Plus it’s far away… and expensive.) SUP was great, but didn’t include enough cardio. (Plus it’s seasonal.) Yoga was awesome, but I could do that anywhere – and I didn’t feel particularly connected to the peeps stretching along with me. Then, I finally found it. The dojo. My new home where I could put a retractable leash on my demons and take ‘em out to play. It had all the qualities, for me, that your workout of choice should have: variety, inspiration, exhaustion, and connection to the others there.

That said, I blazed through a decent wad of paper before I finally found “my thing”.

Which is why I would’ve loved to have had this ClassPass thing I keep hearing about back then.

What it is, is this monthly payment you make to attend a variety of different boutique style types of workout classes. It’s nice because you get variety and can attend the same class more than once. (While the limit’s thrice a month to the same one, that’s still better than you’d get with some deals.) From boxing to spin classes to that weird type’ve yoga you never heard of, but wanna try… they’ve got all sorts’ve stuff. And, yes, it can be as expensive as $100-someth bucks a month. But, when you think about how much most of those single-payment classes cost, you’d have paid that anyway in four or five visits. At least this way, you’re getting in more classes total, and you’re not locking into a contract with just one place (before even knowing if its what’s gonna keep you coming back for more fat blastery).

Now, don’t think for a second I’m tryn’a sell you on ClassPass and prize your paycheck from you. That I am not. I mean, I’m sure the company’s lovely and all, but they don’t pay me a single red cent. I’m just here to offer alternatives to fanning out your funds at places when you don’t hafta. Which is why I’ll also say this: some places (yes, even boutique locales that don’t participate in ClassPass) will offer free classes every so often. And you can benefit if you do your research. See, I learned this the tough way when I signed up for a twenty-someth dollar session of exotic dancing (don’t judge; it’s as much a calorie torcher as it is torture on the thighs), only to learn that had I waited a whopping two days, I could’ve gone for free. Derp. So, learn from my failure. If what you’re interested in trying’s not on the list – Google it. (Ya know, something to the tune of: “Free Lucha Libre wrestling classes in MyTown, USA”.) Then, if that fails, look up some places that offer the thing you want, call the locale that has ‘em, and ask directly when their next complimentary flying yoga (or belly dancing or parkouring) is happening. Then, again, sometimes if you go to a chain gym like Gold’s you can get in for as little as five bucks. But at least it’s not a quarter or more of a C note to go, ya know?

So, don’t let your potential weight loss hobby pass you by.

Find your perspiratory passion with ClassPass – or seek out freebies!

#classpass#weight loss activities#weight loss exercises

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