Six Weight Loss Friendly Ways To Resurrect Your Easter Basket (Part 2)

March 31, 2018 Ashley 0 Comments

Okay, so we’ve already covered three amazing ways to revamp your Easter basket this year.

But if it’s still looking a bit empty without all those empty calories, then try the following three tips:

4.) Instead of jelly beans… fruit

(The fact that something so delicious can be healthy’s a better party trick than that water-to-wine one)

I know, I know.

All the houses that hand out apples at Halloween are prime egging targets. And I don’t mean the Cadburry kind. Surely you’re thinking fruit in lieu of gooey sweets feels like a punishment worse than a North Korean prison. But there’s more to fruit than just the boring crap you slap on a table for decorative purposes. Have you ever tried cotton candy grapes? It might be a Frankenfood. (I dunno how you can make that without GMO’ing it.) But it couldn’t be any worse than that batch of concentrated potbelly inducing dollops you were gonna toss in there. Plus, it’s literally the best way to trick your kids into eating healthy. Can’t find any? Go with a beautiful berry assortment, an array of mango slices, or good old fashioned trail mix!

5.) Instead’ve cookies… books

(’cause kids don’t have fond memories of chocolate or plush bunnies, so much as moments like this’ne)

Maybe, when you read number 2, you eye-rolled.

Because – mom of the year – you were the first in line to see it opening night. The movie’s old news, right? Alright, but do you have the book? (Maybe… somewhere in that hoardersville of children’s entertainment you call a playroom…) But, I guarantee, if you head over to Barne’s ‘n Noble, grab a mocha, and browse the kid lit section, you’ll find something Eastery to pop in that basket. The plus? Unlike passive movie watching, reading to your tot is awesome bonding time. Kids too old to be read to? Have them read to you . It’ll not only hone their reading skills, but also instill a sense of self-affirmation when you tell ’em what a great job their doing. Kids too old for Easter books? Well then tell ’em to get a job and buy you a basket this year.

6.) Instead of Peeps… play doh.

(Start the grooming for art school scholarships now. Let ’em make their *own* bunnies)

Or any other toys, really.

Quick anecdote: My niece loves candy. The more sugary, the better. Given the chance, that poor tot’ll keep eating it til she pops. She’s like a beagle. And that’s not her fault. Our brain’s are kinda built that way. Refined sugar hijacks our brain’s addiction system. We get a little, and we crave more. This is why you’ll see so many mid-store tantrums as parents drag their Mars bar clutching spawn along the floor like a shih-tzu refusing to enter PetCo on grooming day. “No, you can’t have the candy”, the parent says. But, then, in an attempt to assuage the gaze of judgmental onlookers, the bribe comes. “Here, take this toy instead”. My point? My niece is the same way. She might want pie. But the moment I break out the play doh, Moana doll, or or markers… suddenly that confection’s a distant memory.

And there you have it.

Six simple ways to make this Easter easy on everyone’s waistline.

Not let’s quit crucifying our baskets with stabs of candy and resurrect ’em into harbingers of health and fun!

#diet hacks#easter basket#Easter snacks#holiday weight loss#weight loss hacks

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